Jennifer Jones (JJalltheway)


Portland, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I became involved in mailart first because I loved Ray Johnson, then as I saw the internet replacing personalised correspondence, I knew I could act to vote for a handmade revolution of communication!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
PO Box 11442
Portland, OR 97211

Comment Wall:

  • Jimmy McCullough

    i'm pretty sure you're the 1000th member! congrats!!! :-)
  • Maura Di Giulio

    Welcome Jennifer!

    Would you like to partecipate on my Mail Art Call?
    Here informations:
    Mail art call : No oil in abruzzo!
    No return
    Technique free
    Size maximum A4
    All works must be sent by snail mail
    Deadline : 31 March 2010
    New deadline 31 july 2010
    Artworks arrived untill 12 april will be shown also at the first exhibition 18 April 2010
    So if you don’t feel like the Giants of the Oil say your No! a.s.a.p
    More info about the exhibition and documentation will follow...
    You can find info about the fight against oil and about Abruzzo on the following link:
    Send to :
    Maura Di Giulio
    Via Sant’Antonio 22
    66020 Pollutri (CH)
    Keep in touch
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hello dear Jennifer
    Welcome to IUOMA,
    and yes, YOU are our No.1000 member!
    Greetings from Greece

    p.s. Are you "Jennifer Jones" the artist who graduated from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and went to live in Florida???? Or, just a very common name :-)Delete Comment
  • Test Tower

    Welcome to IUOMA! Cheers, Test
  • Maurizio Follin

    is a pleasure to do your knowledge

  • Maura Di Giulio

    Thank you Jennifer.
    Iuoma is a nice place where meet friends, exchange mail art and much more...
    Have a nice day!

    ART OLYMPIC; Equivalent to the; Sport Olympic; Will B the greatest event ever Globally; please join CASA & relay 2 all THE LEGACY OF THE CENTURY;

    Nobel Prize 4 Children; The addition of children to Nobel It will just take a moment of your time but will impact for a lifetime We humbly request you to Send Emails to;;; supporting & declaring your solidarity to include NOBEL PRIZE 4 CHILDREN; please join CASA & relay 2 all THE LEGACY OF THE CENTURY;

    CASA Founder
    Recipient of 10 International Award
    Amman ,Jordan
    00 96 2 65 81 59 55
  • Maura Di Giulio

    Hi Jennifer,
    have you sent me this mail art? There's no name but address is yours!!!

    Thank you
  • Maura Di Giulio

    Thank you Jennifer,only later I noticed your double JJ!
    I hope the same

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hi Jennifer,
    Yes, you do have a common name. Even of another artist!
    Well, hope to see you in the mail soon!
    Greetings from Greece,
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Something from "1000" was waiting in my mail box when I returned to the city today! Many Thanks Jennifer! Love the "M"...for 1000, but also my middle initial (for Marie) as well as my maiden name: MATEjovsky! So, very appropriate this "M"! Thank you,

  • andytgeezer

    Thanks Jennifer! Haven't recieved it yet, but as soon as I do I promise it will go up on my REAL wall. Been very very busy of late though, so walls are a little slow in coming.

    Thanks again
  • Samuel Montalvetti

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday, Jennifer!
    Greetings from Greece:

  • Maurizio Follin

    thanks for participating in No Commercial Potential, your works are published in
    Click on your name to see if the link is the right one or you have one to replace

    A huge hello

    PS - of course, if you'll be happy, you can partecipate with your other works during the entire 2010
  • andytgeezer

    Hi Jennifer. My postbox has sadly not received your odd shaped package. :-(

    I will continue to keep my eyes open for it.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you JJalltheway!
    Love it, love it! Your card has arrived and I found it in an overflowing mailbox today. I am in the HOT city, but will return to the seaside tomorrow...see you in the mail soon!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you JJ!
    Do you know if these stones in the arch are a construction in nature by andrew Goldsworthy? Very great the daffodils! Have a happy and sunny Spring!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hi and Bonjour JJ! I'll send you the Envelope off at the start of next week (if things go to plan). Meanwhile, three questions: i) do you live anywhere near terrigal -- where my suster lives? ii) would you be kind enough to lok at the Mail-Art projects section of this site, and tell me if you can get in, I can't, and it's very frustrating? and iii) 'alltheway' where? (or shouldn't I ask?) Grrr! Regards, Val
  • Poison Label Productions

    alright - I will send you something but it comes at a price.......
    You must first send something to this address...
    my REAL wall
    PO Box 63138
    W14 4BR

    once you can verify that you have complied (it will not be hard)
    I will custom craft you something special!

  • andytgeezer

    Oh wow! Thanks Camel! That's a vote for me
  • andytgeezer

    Hi JJ - Thanks for your write request on the blog - you should have been sent an invite to write to your email. If you have any trouble signing up give me a shout.

    Feel free to post up intros but try and hold back on posting too much til December 1st.

    Thanks again for joining up - great to have you on board and can't wait to see what you produce
  • Poison Label Productions

    if you need technical assistance - i am here fer ya but only cause you a 365er

  • Maurizio Follin

    Can you tell me a e-mail address where we can send you the final report of the project?

  • Laurence Roberts

    This is just great!
  • andytgeezer

    woop woop! I lvoe it when a piece gets through! :-) Why not take a pic of it on your REAL wall with some of your other mailart - that qualifies for the your REAL wall section of my REAL wall (does that even make any sense...)

  • andytgeezer

    Feel free to add the image from the flickr site JJ - Scanned and ready to use!

  • andytgeezer

    (Although I'm always keen to see what has happened to them in the post...)

  • andytgeezer

    Not yet. I may get a custom made rubber stamp or try and work out how to print these thigns out before I do send him stuff. Of course I'd not hold it against anyone else who wanted to send it on my behalf - I love Ryosuke!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    34/365 has arrived in Greece! Thank you, Jennifer! It is a beauty, and I so love the fork and spoon handle...what elegance! It really is fun to make and sent and to receive this "365" project...everyday is like Christmas! Thank you so much! You got my 6/365, right?
  • andytgeezer

    Briefs arrived today! Thanks for the thoughts, they did make me smile broadly!
  • Mail Art Martha

    yesssssss! Jenifer, let's bombard Baldassari with Mail Art. Can I have his address?
  • Ms.Lovender

    got your 7/365 mailart today. It`s lovely thanks. i`ll be sending you one soon.

    Have a nice day!

  • Poison Label Productions

    We shall see if my "boobie" card makes to ya....
  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Guess What!? John Baldessari got my Mail Art and posted on my blog (Mim4art) today. Is that fabulous. Did you get any response?
  • Uncustomary

    Hey! I got some mail art from you! Thank you so much. <3