



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
the 70`s
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
well hmm I met the great mail artisit David Zack in the 70`s and was hooked...
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Comp 62, Site 715,RR7,Saskatoon,Saskatchewan,Canada S7K 1N2 or

Comment Wall:

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  • Alice Stroppel

    Thanks for the Welcome...
  • Jenn Grosso

    bonjour medwolf! received your awesome mail art package, loved all the inclusions. will be sending you my mail art offering shortly... we'll see what i can conjure for your mail art call. take care.
  • Francisco Salcedo García

    Hello Meldwolf! saludos de Pako desde España (thank you) por la photo de ALCE.
  • Parys St. Martin

    Greetings to you too Medwolf :)
  • Test Tower

    Hello my friend. I just read where you said -53 there? Ooooowie! Mama mia thats chilly! How do you deal with that? I'm having problems with it being 5 degrees here, but that sounds like Palm Springs compared to Battleford. I better send a Zackaroonie to frozen Saskatchewan to help out. Cheers old man, Test
  • Bea

    Ok, -53 is not some place I EVER want to be. I hope you are staying warm in your studio or where ever you create. I've been working in my new studio space this morning. IT was so good to get back to creating some mail art. Look for something by the end of next week! :)Bea
  • Francisco Salcedo García

    Hola (Hello) Medwolf. Thank you for photo (alce=spanish nom).

  • Francisco Salcedo García

    Aquí aparezco decorando cerámica ibérica, tiene ciertos paralelismos gráficos con alguna pinturas de los aborígenes de tu tierra. Saludos de Mail Artista.
  • Judy Skolnick

    Thanks for the holiday wishes and mailart, it arrived today Have a wonderful Winter Solstice and 2010

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    -53? is that C or F ? :-)
    No matter...that is cold no matter what!
    Sending you a bit of Greek sunshine to warm it up thar.
    brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....that is really COLD!
    stay warm, good buddy,

  • karen c

    Medwolfie - greetings, my Canadian neighbor. Hope you're staying warm and dry up there.
    Look forward to seeing more of your art and life.
  • Judy Skolnick

    Thanks for the spell, voodoo isn't it? We will survive unless they eliminate paper. Hope all is well, we are expecting out first reasonably big snowstorm this weekend. I hope to take lots of photos.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Medwolf!
    Be with the spirits...
    may all your dreams come true!

  • Judy Skolnick

    Lovely thoughts dear Medwolf, may the spirits guide you and be with you. Best Wishes, Judy
  • John M. Bennett

    Same to you! Un abrazo - john
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Expecting your presence, any time.

    last week I was hanging out with Icelandic Vikings atop a frozen volcano, love, peace and rock & roll lives on in many hearts.

    warm greetings in cold weather

  • Test Tower

    Mail Art endures. I loved your great futuristic vision. Brilliant! Happy Holidays my friend. See you very soon in the mail. Cheers, Test
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Cloud whispers...
    thank you, Medwolf!
    You have me singing....." I really don't know clouds at all" :-)

  • Inêz Oludé

    gretings from Brussels
  • Samantha Bragg

    hi there thanks for the comment!
  • Naomi Savolainen

  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    'In the Summertime'...oh, I I imagine that where you are is much colder than my -10C!! Thank you very much for the good wishes! All the best for you too, and happy mailart 2010!!

  • Reid Wood

    Thanks! You, too!
  • Natasa Stanisic

    thank you so much :))

    Merry Christmas
    'N *
    Happy * *
    * Happy * *
    * Happy *
    * * New Year :) *
  • C Mehrl Bennett

    Merry Christmas/ Happy New Year
    to you and to Mrs MedWolf !!
  • irene ronchetti

    ¡have a happy New Year! and thanks for the greeting...
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Santa filled my mailbox today! Thank you so much, Medwolf!
    The images are large size and "enhanced" from photos you
    have already sent me, I think. But they are do
    you do that?
    ...and the Eagle, right on:
    "Under his wing..."
    Many thanks and see you in the
    New Year Mail Art 2010 soon!

  • Juan Angel Italiano

    Fraternal greetings from the south!
  • Judy Skolnick

    Keep up the eternal spirits and good work in your neck of the woods, I am working at it on my end. Happy Healthy New Year 2010 Judy
  • Alison Noble

    I received your ugly art! Thank you!!
  • Parys St. Martin

    Mail art on its way to you Medwolf
    Happy New Year
  • King Shane

    Thanks! I've been out of circulation for almost 2 years now, but finally found a bit of time. I've actually got to respond to one I got from you that you've probably forgotten about by now.
  • NuModernist

    Thanks for the welcome Medwolf!
  • Lauryn Welch

    Thank you, and nice to meet you!
    It's funny seeing mail art make its way to the electronic world. I'm glad a place like this exists though.

    Peace, love, and understanding
    -Kid A

  • Karin Winter

    Thank you Medwolf, now to find out what i can do on here?
  • Sonia Rombaldi

    obrigada pela recepção.....sonia.
  • Bruno Chiarlone

    new mail artist from Korea

    A tribute for the city of Portogruaro through a project involving art through mail. The keywords chosen as the theme are the motif of its foundation, joined in a common flow.

    border between earth and water,
    the river harbor and the trade routes,
    the channels and the gardens of the palaces,
    a constant reference to a change in system, material and colour.

    not only of goods but also of colours and scents,
    artistic and architectural influences,
    mutual knowledge, therefore culture.

    a condition of consent expressed in gesture, the conclusion of an agreement,
    a trace superimposed on many others:
    whose meaning is beyond the sum of the parts.

    Project by Rizoo Group, Tiziana Baracchi and Pro Loco di Portogruaro
    Format and dimension of work:
    square of maximum size 21 X 21 cm
    No e-mail

    No returns, no jury, no fee, no sales

    Exhibition in Portogruaro, 2010
    documentation online:
    info: –

    Deadline to be received March 31, 2010

    Send to:

    Proloco di Portogruaro
    via Cavour 33
    30026 Portogruaro (VE) - ITALY
  • Nicola Donato

    Thanks Medwolf, nice to meet you!
  • Jennie Hinchcliff

    Many thanks for your mail art wishes in 2010!
  • Flocking101

    Thanks for the welcome - great photo!
  • Tana French

    you're welcome! :3
  • BOCHTIS Michalis

    and nice song.
  • Elizabeth Mary Dismorr

    You will be recieving some mail art for you David Zack project shortly! :)
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Zack sighting:
    tonight...after midnight, when the moon will be closest
    to the earth this year! Do you have clear skies in
    Saskatchewan? Around 3-4 a.m. your time!
    Zack being a shape-shifter...becoming that wolf!

    Jan. 30, 1:18 a.m. EST -- Wolf Moon.
    "Amid the zero cold and deep snows of midwinter,
    the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. ..
    In some tribes this was the Full Snow Moon; most applied that name to the next moon in February.... "

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Aha, so you are "Medicine Wolf", my friend!
    May the wolves howl for you a happy life, full of wonder!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    heeHeeHee, Medwolf,
    I like your new "pet", though it look like it has a dangerous bite!
    Be careful...and please, to sure to keep it on a leash,
    may it not get lose on the city streets!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    'tis nice to stop by here, Medwolf,
    nice late at night to listen....
    sounds...of silence.
  • Naomi Healing

    Your magic envelope arrived at my house today full of a fresh sense of wonder and sacred stories. Thank you - my heart is full!
  • Ioannis Monogyios
