Jenn Grosso



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
always and forever
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
freedom from "artistic" constraints
a way of communicating without borders
being here and there all over the world
exchanging visions and ideas
pushing the perceived limits...
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
No longer at PO Box address that was listed here before... will post new adress shortly.

perilsoftheliving at rocketmail dot com

Comment Wall:

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  • Hélène LAGACHE

    Thank you for your friendship...
  • Bruno Chiarlone

    My kesses for you!
  • RJ - Moderator

    the heart artistamps are beautiful!
  • Maurizio Follin

    is a pleasure to do your knowledge

  • Shivablack

    dear jennlui,
    thanx for friendship offer..I welcome you with pleasure at my side of planet..
    all the best Shiva*
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Have a nice Thanksgiving Weekend, jennlui!
  • Samuel Montalvetti

    Saludos Samuel
  • Gik Juri

    You create wonderful artistamps, like them! Interesting, do You have any project related to mail art?
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Jennlui!!
    Thank you so much for the fantastic stamps and the lovely details,envelope you sent me...! Excellent work!
    They are posted here:
    Some of mine are already coming your way...a new hand drawn series.
    Cheers and happy thanksgiving!
  • andytgeezer

    Hi Jenn

    Thanks for connecting and looking forward to seeing your stuff on my REAL wall really soon!
  • Gik Juri

    Thank You for reply, Jennlui! I understood!

    Gik Juri
  • Allyson Durkee

    Hey! Thanks!! Not much
  • Rachel Freeman

    I am glad you liked the mail art...your website is quite amazing by the way
  • Jennifer Kosharek

    I like your stamps!
  • Marianne Elson

    Hello Jennlui, I received some mail art from you and I just love, love, love it!! Thank you so much.....ahhh Paris. Even your envelope is gorgeous! I'm going to sit down and make you something!! Warn your mailbox. ;)
  • Jennifer Kosharek

    Thank you for your compliments! I hope you send work to my latest call... "UR TOY STORY." The deadline is in August 2010 so you have time. I had a great show for the Chromatophore exhibit. Anyway--your work posted here is very cool! Are you in the GOod MAil Day book?
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Jennlui! Thank you very much...I am really looking forward to receiving those fantastic bubbles!!! My mail box has been happily warned...:-)
    This weekend I'll be working on ATCs and more stamps, I'll send you some next week...
    Have a nice weekend!
  • Test Tower

    Thanks for the lovely Mail Art - It is quite happy, living in Heebee Jeebeeland. I see you hit the mail art jackppot! I love it when that happens! By the way, your Artistamps are magnificent! Cheers, Test.
  • Missive Maven

    Thanks so much, Jennlui! I just recently came across your love letter files blog, too, and it's lovely.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Your "Beating Heart" has arrived in Greece, too!
    Thank you so much, jennlui! for all the "heartful' items.
    I see that you have blue-Greek-mail in your collection, too.
    Now more to come your way, of course...
  • andytgeezer

    I have a confession to make - I still haven't opened your envelope! It's so beautiful and so tightly wrapped I can't figure out how to open it without damaging it's loveliness! At least it's the weekend now and I can puzzle over it for a few days! The contents will obviously be up on my REAL wall as soon I figure out how to open it!
  • Carlos I. Botana

    Subject: Octopus...

    Collective book of mail art.

    Send 18 works of size 14.8 X 21 cm (A5 vertical), numbered and signed,
    for making up a series of volumes with different artists in each. Each
    volume will contain a minimum of 14 artworks, one per artist. Modify
    each copy in order to make them unique originals. All techniques:
    printings, drawings, paintings, photographs, collages...

    Each participant will receive a volume.

    Deadline: october, 2010.

    Send your art works to:

    Carlos Botana
    General Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 A Coruña
    Galicia - España/Spain


    Carlos Botana
  • andytgeezer

    How timely - you messaged me just as I was settling in for the night with all manner of sharp devices. I don't really think the craft knife is a good idea. I just worry the the contents will get damaged if I dig too deeply. Any tips that can avoid damaging it?

    I really don't want to hurt that awesome skull either. It's awesome!
  • andytgeezer

    Ha! I've finally opened it by finding a tiny chink in the sellotape armour and going at it with the craft knife for a nice clean cut!

    ...and yes you certainly got my attention!

  • andytgeezer

    Like it? I LOVE IT!

    I'll bring it with me to the filming of that Nokia advert tomorrow. I wonder if I can somehow sneak your postcards on the set...
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Jennlui!! I received a beautiful surprise in my mail box...your absolutly fab work!! Thank you very much!
    I am in the process of posting it in Bubbles:
  • Shivablack

    nice!!Thank you..
  • Angela Sturm

    your artistamps are great !
    Please let us trade some. I can make some for you in january/february after all those xmas projects .
  • Gik Juri

    It's good news!
  • Marianne Elson

    Yaaay! I'm thrilled you liked the mail art! Those little zines are very fun and super rewarding as an art project! Kinda are going to loooove it! ;)

    Here is a cool site for how to's:!/
  • Marianne Elson

    Oooh, I can't wait to see what you've been up to!! I'll wait patiently at my mailbox ~ no pressure.. ;) I just love hearing about all your artsy flurry!

    I envy your enthusiam, I'm going through a creative rut right now. I wish my pilot light would spark! :)
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Thank you Jennlui for your words...I am having much fun too with our exchanges. I think too that every project is a special 'custom made' thought that makes every work so inspiring and refreshing..I really enjoy receiving your artwork.
    I was working on some ATCs but I am not really happy with the results so I will leave them there to decant for a while, at the moment stamps give me great satisfaction. I'll send you some more as soon as I finish some due mailart.
    I wish you a nice day!
  • Marianne Elson

    Hi again Jennlui, this is why I love mail art, it usually does inspire me. At some random moment when I go out to the mail box, thinking my regular worries or day to day thoughts....BAM, a piece of art surprises me, and done in a way I've never truely is inspiring. And it's so nice to meet people like you :)

    I tell you I'm feeling uninspired and you cheer me sweet, thank you! I will be looking forward to your minibook :) And I am absolutely positive it will inspire me, because the fun Paris/crown collage just sent me day dreaming! I love it! It sits at my computer and keeps me company :) Have a good day! Marianne
  • cross RYU★

    Hi Jennlui~ Thank you for your friend request. Your works are very gorgeous!!!I like your works!
  • cross RYU★

    I will send you something mail art on monday! I hope to meet your mailbox!
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    oh...a surprise! I love it, specially if it comes from your creativity...thank you Jennlui! Can't wait to see it!
    This weekend I finally managed to put my list of due mailarts up to date...well, an illusion, though..mailart is a forever flowing activity...
    In the next couple of days I'll send you some new stamps..
    Take care and keep that inspiration going..;-)
  • Shivablack

    your wounderful card is here now! See it on my blog..
    All the best Shiva*
    A return will come soon :-)
  • Rosa Biagi

    Hallo Jennluin..
    there is a great wonderful world here..
    At the noment I am working about 12 hours in a day,,but I will retur here
    For you an italian sticker now on China' walls..
    see you!
  • andytgeezer

    It's craft-knife time!
  • andytgeezer

    Your REAL post is gonna come with me to Vienna in a few hours for the weekend too, so if you are wondering why it's not on the wall over the weekend, it's cos it's out seeing the sights in Austria! :-D
  • andytgeezer

    Excellent piece Jenn! It feels you are slowly sending me through body parts. Really evocative colours. Very impressed with the way you brought the colours out.

    Will read the book on the plane.

    Thanks and make sure you keep your eyes on my REAL wall!
  • Marianne Elson

    Oh my goodness!! Jennlui! What a fabulous envie I just got! First of all, it's almost too pretty to open up...I was afraid I might ruin the look of it. But I did manage to get in without damage.....I just loooove your little book! Just wonderful, and very inspirational! I'm on track again :)

    Thank you for the wonderful mail art! I can't wait to show it to my family !! :D
  • Steven Fossiant

    Thanks of the compliment and I have had the opportunity of seeing your artistampses that are really exceptional.
    Hi and talk to you soon
  • Steven Fossiant

    my address is:
    Stefano Sini Fossiànt
    Via del Lentischio, 50
    09048 Sinnai (CA)

    it would be a pleasure for me also have your address
  • Steven Fossiant

    excuse I have realized that it was also visible in your page…
  • catarina verdier

    Obrigado!X-) Jennlui and hope to chare mail art with you. My heart is betting for it... love your stamps!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you so much for your beautiful envelope filled with treasures! I have read other comments asking you how to open it without ruining the envelope, so I was ready with a "kopidi", as we say in Greek. Very carefully,
    like an experienced surgeon, I traced the edge and yes! it opened perfectly.
    Beautiful little book, and I agreed wholeheartedly: I LOVE Mail Art... because my mail box was FULL is a happy mail box,
    and I am happy, too!
    Many thanks...mail art coming your way :-)
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Jennlui!!
    Thank you very much for your beautiful mini-book...!It brings a happy message and it shows how much you enjoy what you do, as we appreciate receiving it!
    I posted it in my blog:
  • cross RYU★

    I've just heard from your mail art!!!
    Thank you for your gorgeous mini book!!!
  • Hélène LAGACHE

    Very nice stamps!!