Judy Skolnick


Washington DC 20024

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I like to communicate with other artist through the arts that I probably would never have a chance to meet
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
New Address: 2301 E street NW #A519
Washington, DC 20037

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  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    I agree.
    The reasons are many to celebrate!
    Starting with the departure of Bush! :)
    I wish you the very lucky.

    We do not have great leaders in the last 40 years here in Brazil.
    We live up to 80 years under a strong dictatorship.
    The war can bring nothing good, contrary to what its supporters say.

    Forgive me for my bad English.
    I do not speak fluently and use these machines that translators are not always faithful to what you write.
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    I understand.
    Here in Brazil, there are still many people who insist on not accepting that the world changes every time.
    It is clear that there is much misery, poverty, and here, in particular, there is still much injustice to the poor.
    However, there is also a growing awareness.
    People, in fact, begin to be more activists for what they believe.
    There is no room for intolerance, racism and absurd things, like wars.
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    I have the impression that things like this that we do today, as the community, the network, of course, always existed ...
    But today, the Internet allows it very quickly.
    I know that there is a bad side, superficial.
    But i try to see what is wonderful.
    The exchange!
    Imagine only that, to translate into any language what you think, so almost instantly!
    It is very beautiful!

    It will be a legacy, no doubt to the new generations
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    Some people even try to control what is produced.
    Here in Brazil is the money of some large propellant artists artists or false ...
    Often, their work is too ephemeral.
    They say it is part of the proposal, concept is ...
    But then, get a way to do what is within the fashion, is good for business.
    Therefore, I believe in these alternative forms of art, in art, urban art in the marginal, the nailart ....
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    I like the expression "full meaning ness."
    In Brazil I think is called "fullness"
    This is what I believe too!
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    Judy, thanks for the excellent conversation.
    It was a pleasure.
    Greetings and until next time!
  • Carla Cryptic

    So cool! We must be of an age, then... I didn't make it to DC for the marches but we had our own versions out here - and the tear gas memories to show for it! So nice to think of a huge group of people hanging together without anyone getting tear gassed, beat up, or maced! Sort of like the ideal memory (not the real one) of Woodstock... the first time around. :)
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    I do not like to draw on

    computer ...
    I prefer the pencil, the pen, the brush, but once in a while I venture on the computer ...
    Here's a present for you.
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    Thank you.

    A great day for you too!
    Watched by TV!
    It was really pretty.
    Congratulations to all!
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    With certainty is what happens ...
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    No need to leave our homes : -)
    Funny you play in this matter.
    In Brazil, when the president assumed office, many said that this is wrong, we would have to leave our homes.
    I think that fear is something natural.
    But, I do not think the situation may worsen.
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    I understand.
    But realize one thing, the crisis is always felt most by those who have more possessions.
    I know that seems strange.
    But people who are accustomed to this pattern luxurious, feel much when they lose something.
    The poorest, often used to suffering, ultimately conform.
    I think that scare, is not only derivative of the economy.
    I think a new world order of actions occur at every stage.
    We all we adapt to new demands ethical, political, and even simple acts occurring in the day to day

    I also believe that we must be and always seek something more positive
  • Torma Cauli

    Dear Judy! I speak very little english, so can't join your creative group. :-)
    Es geht besser Deutsch. Ich denke in englische Sprache kann ich nichts verstehen. Und, ich habe noch wissentschaftliche Arbeit, die noch beenden möchte. Entschuldigung.
    Kind regards
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    Hello Judy!
    Hug from Brazil!
  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    Thank you very much!
    Return with the same affection!
  • Torma Cauli

    Ok. I'm glad.
  • Carla Cryptic

    Thanks so much for the two postcards for the nudity mail art call! I love 'em both. :) Also, thanks for the 3D pepsi card - I love working with that kind of post card. When Rolling Stone had a 3D cover for it's 50th anniversary, I got people all over the country to send me their covers if they were throwing the magazines out or could otherwise part with them. The back cover, which was a commercial - possible for Pepsi again, come to think of it - was also in 3D. I got the donations through Craig's List. :) I did a big project with those and it's still ongoing. I'll try and find some of the photos I took and post them here. I've got some stuff for you, too... I've been working on new artistamps and they're almost finished. I'm also doing some new soft block carvings - one of them is really funny (to me, anyway!)... Thanks, too, for the snap of the tent - that is so darned cool! Wish I'd been able to see them all set up that day but your photos took me there. :)
  • Dewi

    Thank you very much
  • Dewi

    I lived up north for a while and loved going out with a big thermos of tea and watching the aurorae. It was a treat, just as I am hoping your art will be. I am in need of a little colour around the place.
  • Alex Jones

    hahah thanks , but let me keep my ice and snow , i favour the fresh chilly conditions
  • Carla Cryptic

    Something went in the mail for you today! :)
  • Carla Cryptic

    Yikes! And it's very small, the thing I sent you - pushing the envelope a bit and taking a small (sic!) risk. :) I put extra postage on it, though, as the USPS said I should so we'll see... it's small but colorful! :)
  • ed schenk

    groeten uit amsterdam,

  • Mirta Toledo

    Hi Judy!

    I still trying to manage to move around this site :)
    How do you get the membership card?
    Is so cool!
    Have a great weekend!

  • Denis Charmot

    Hi Judy
    Chantal said it was your birthday today.
    I wish you a happy birthday.
  • Denis Charmot

    I met Michael Moore in May. I know that some love him and others hate him. I put the photo to see the reaction.
    Thanks for your comment.
  • Denis Charmot

    Bush has been a disaster for the USA. It is a pity that censorship in your country and your propaganda media does not permit you to see him earlier.
  • Denis Charmot

    Bush, Rummsfeld and Cheney have not ruled for their country but for their personal interest as Sarkozy in France today.
  • Carla Cryptic

    Sorry I couldn't be at your party today! Please accept this small present from me, though. :)

  • Heute

    Wow! Thanks,Judy Skolnick.
    Your chairs have wonderful color!
    photo is nice.

    Can I wait for your snail mail containing this chairs?
    I would be very happy, if I get your postcard. :)
  • Carla Cryptic

    I was hoping the scent would come along for the ride! :)
  • Sandra S. Melencio

  • Mirta Toledo

    Hi Judy,

    I try, like I told you, sometimes is overwelming, but is just a matter to get use to, like everything is with the internet! :)
  • Carla Cryptic

    What a treat to see those photos! :) I'm sick this weekend - I've been fighting Graham's cold for weeks and finally succumbed. So, it's nice to have something beautiful to look at that takes me out of my own head.
  • Carla Cryptic

    Lol... Judy, you have an uncanny ability to choose the photos I like the most! Thanks - it did cheer me up. :) Soon I'll be off to cough into the face of my dentist. Lol...
  • Sandra S. Melencio

    I hope you will agree with me that we still look beautiful and happy which is very essential to healthy and meaningful life.
  • Sandra S. Melencio

    You have been so sweet and absolutely supportive in helping me in my job. thanks a million.
  • Sandra S. Melencio

    Next time you decide to go on this kind of field trip -- photo session -- I hope I can join you esp. on a Saturday -- where both of us are off from work. We can meet somewhere in D,C. I can take the metro. Is that ok with you?
  • Carla Cryptic

    Yay! They arrived intact. I'm glad. I love seeing the picture! I love pictures of people, especially just doing whatever they'd actually be doing if I just passed them in the hall, you know? Thanks. :)
  • Keyla Holmquist

    Hi Judy, greetings from Venezuela.

    The 6th World's Poetry Festival 2009 will take place on june and july as a tribute to a venezuelan Poet named Juan Calzadilla (National Prize of Plastic Arts 1996).
    This event will be sponsored by Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura and Casa Nacional de las Letras Andrés Bello, so my art archive willheld:

    Everything received will be exhibited – Documentation [to all of you].
    Everything sent will be part of the MAIL ART ARCHIVE KEYLA HOLMQUIST.

    All the material has to be mailed to:

    Keyla Holmquist
    Apartado Postal 326
    Maracay 2101
    Estado Aragua VENEZUELA

    DEADLINE MAY 31,st 2009

    All the material should be sent perfectly packed in order to prevent damage and with a copy of a data card, stuck on the back of the package.




    Measures UP TO A4 MAXIMUM. The base or pedestal needed should be provided by the artist.



    Collage, visual poems, process poetry, illustrated poetry, labyrinth poems, phonetic poems, audible poems, semiotic, palindrome, holopoems, concrete poetry, video action, photo action, object poem, pseudovisual poetry, braille poetry.


    All videos will be admitted, shortfilms, photography, documentaries, animations that do not exceed 8 minutes of length and they must be delivered on CD or DVD format ready for its presentation.


    They will be admitted on CD or DVD format ready for its presentation including the credits, the photography, the list of the soundtrack that was used and the name of the author.


    the audio format admitted has to be:
    Wave 44,100 Hz 16 bit stereo
    Mp3 from 96 'til 320 KPSS
    If the expression is audible, high fidelity required.
  • Little Shiva

  • Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas

    Just now I saw the beautiful photo you left in the comment on my page!
    Thank you Judy!
    A kiss!
    Greetings from Brazil!
  • Heute

    Thanks Judy! I love it :)
    I'll send something to you.
  • Heute

    I have just posted your nice artwork at my blog
  • Carla Cryptic

    The photos you posted on my page are AMAZING. Where is that, anyway? And I liked the ones you posted on Wilma's page also. Now that I'm here I'm going to watch your slide show again. :)
  • Medwolf

    nope not alimony lol but yeah everyone may be hiding..and ok I was lying about Rod..he isnt a Cree Indian from canada or a native issue lol he just dresses funny and swears at Ravens lol..keep smiling I`m glad some one understands that smiles are pure gold lol do you have any idea what I did or said wrong lol I am truly lost here...
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    nice piccys Judy, almost as pretty as Venice. Thanks for posting them.
    Let's not let the seriously sad piddle on the parade.
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Before I got here I was seriously blasé about the plight of Venice (remembering my home is in the Low lands of Holland) but now I'm here...
    On Thursday last I had a meeting with the engineers who are working to defend the city by building (constructing) barriers, but if the latest information I am reading is correct then it is almost certainly wasted effort.
    I must get to bed it's gone 2!
    I DIDN'T SEE A RAT YET but then I'm not looking for them!
  • Carla Cryptic

    Lol... carlacryptic@yahoo.com :) Thanks!!!
  • Medwolf