I'm Enchanted with David

A group to collect, enjoy, comment on all things David Stafford.

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  • DKeys

    think of all the poems, songs, works of art that never would have been created had they had access to antidepressants. David, I wish I'd kept a copy of that genius piece you made in response to the endless asemic debate. 

    KDJ fused with her machine is a very odd and disturbing image. I bet it's hell to keep up with KDJ in a chat  typing 100wpm

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    I'm enchanted with David. I mean I REALLY, really, really am enchanted with David (well, maybe more with the 1951!!! TIME he sent?)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    TIMEs have changed...magazines that once upon a TIME would cost 20 cents...now need $ 15 postage to arrive in Greece! Ah, but I am enchanted!

    Paging through another world...of typewriters (what are those?)

    And "Formula One"at the Indie that go only 126 MPH?

  • DKeys

    I blogged something I received from David, but can't figure out how to put the link here.   Working up the courage to listen to the CD.  Thank you David-'you people' here are the wittiest, funniest people I've ever met

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    That's a nice Jazz album that you and David have! And the link to the blog is:

    I've been signed to David Stafford's Record Label!!!

  • DKeys

    thank you Kat=it wouldn't work for me. and My blog of Erni's work posted twice and I have no idea why except that it's Friday the 13th

  • DKeys

    p.s. thank you soooo much for the card for Dario, the postman. I put it out for him and he took it !

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    I usually go to the Main Page and on the left column with the blogs I CAREFULLY "copy" the title and then paste it ...like here. But, it does not work if I try to "copy" from the blog title when I am actually at that blog. Strange  ning :-)

  • David Stafford

    Not to worry, kdj....

  • Jen Staggs

    Lumpy snakes are my favorite!

  • David Stafford

    In retrospect it kinda looks like a brassiere with a mouth...

  • Jen Staggs

    Ooh. Brassieres with mouths are my favorite.
  • David Stafford

    No need for the old hook and eye...you just have to persuade the snake to keep his mouth shut...

  • David Stafford

    David though much, much taller in person, does not, alas, have a head of hair like the bra blower. He is available, however for short term bra blow jobs should any one need that service. He advises me that he would like a two week lead time and 24 hour cancellation notice.

  • Jen Staggs

    ((Jen just fell over and died for a second.))
  • David Stafford

    I'm hearing reports that my publicist, Alphonse Pima, has been making claims about me that are not true. Apologies all round...That should be 48 hours cancellation notice.

  • David Stafford

    Alphonse is Keely Smith's nephew through a blended marriage of herbs and spices...

  • De Villo Sloan


  • David Stafford

    what he said....


  • David Stafford

    yeah....I still have all five of those emotions btw, but the Botox and Effexor is chipping away at them...

  • David Stafford

    I never thought of that but it makes perfect sense. I should do one with just my nose emerging from the caramel soup.

  • David Stafford

    "Get me the guy with the nose."

  • DKeys

    Those stamps are amazing--Effexor withdrawals would make you have all those emotions simultaneously within a span of five minutes

  • David Stafford

    DK, Do you speak from experience?

  • DKeys

    Yes, and my husband BEGGED me to go back on it:)

  • David Stafford

    Did you? I find that if I miss a day I have the most amazing dreams....it's tempting.

  • DKeys

    In the beginning, you will feel euphoric and wonder why you ever went on them in the first place. then it will hit you and while I never did acid, I imagine this is what a bad trip is like. Every horrible thing that ever happened to me or anyone anywhere in the world, went through my head over and over. The shit morphed my brain====================

  • David Stafford

    Hmmm....that does sound hellish...How's hubby doing with the real you?

  • David Stafford

    Now, let's see...I think I misunderstood you....You felt all the bad stuff when you quit taking the drug?

  • DKeys

    yes, I tried to ween off of it for about a month. He got tired of seeing me sobbing all the time. I'm not a big crier so it was pretty awful.

  • DKeys

  • David Stafford

    Uncanny resemblance...I was sobbing at everything before I started taking the drugs so there's a certain inescapable emotional symmetry. Everyone has warned me (with a deep look of fear in their eyes) not to go off the drugs cold turkey. I guess that would be the ultimate test of whether you graduated to the world of the truly mentally healthy (those lucky eight people).

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    I met one of those eight just the other day. He hasn't left his house in 25 years and is waiting for Gingrich to send him to the moon. 

    You guys should meet my ancestry. They come to me in dreams at night and beg me to increase my dosage, but I'm strong and don't do it.

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    I speak from experience; Be VERY careful when making the decision to quit. I've just accepted that the pill keeps me above water and that's that. As a retired therapist who put 30 years on the clock and watching folks 'vacation' from their meds I believe when you find the right dosage it's like the perverbial donning of eye glasses.BUT- they're not for everyone.

  • David Stafford

    Nadine, yes....I really don't have plans to quit but at some point the financial burden may be too onerous. KDJ, it's the modern world wut done it....Thin skins get peeled first....

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Do you go through Canada, David? Legit and cheap. I'd be medless without them, and that wasn't a pretty sight the first 30 years or so. You're right, Nadine, and thanks for stepping in with your 30 years' experience, which I did not know. No wonder you are funny and soothing at the same time! 

  • DKeys

    Agreed Nadine, I've accepted that to function as a sensitive person in an insensitive world, I need some chemical assistance. They all have horrible withdrawal symptoms and I actually think Effexor is a pretty good drug. Love the way you put that David--thin skins are peeled first. But that's what makes us artists

  • David Stafford

    Nancy, you'll have to give me the name of  your drug dealer. The shade of Joey Ramone is singing to me: "Twenty, Twenty Twenty Four Hours a Day, I wanna be sedated."

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    That skin-peeling image struck me, too. First because it's true, and second because it made my skin crawl.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Is someone on drugs here? Wow...maybe that explains the skull-appreciation art that arrived in Greece. 'Like the wig, though, definitely "rare"!. Thanks, David xxx

  • David Stafford

  • David Stafford

    Thanks, KDJ. I think the years of spray mount abuse are really beginning to pay off.

  • DKeys

    Hilarious David-it is soooo wonderful seeing  your work and I can't wait to see the next installment--I just hope you don't end up back in front of the Starbucks

  • David Stafford

    This is about 25 years old but it seems to have new significance with the election coming up.....

  • David Stafford

    You're welcome, KDJ...Your surmises are surprisingly on target....

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Dave's concerns are not quite big or focused enough to see. No offense intended! ... Can you do anything about that, KDJ? Or am I being too nosy for the ENCHANTED WITH DAVID STAFFORD group? :--}

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Yikes, type it, that looks to be a two-hour job. Maybe you could just summarize, although with David's inimitable written style great things are likely to be lost in translation. 

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Hey, I've got it! Just send it to me! I haven't heard from him in a while and I miss him! I can scan it for all the world to see. It looks like it MIGHT be small enough for the scanner ...

  • David Stafford

    If this doesn't send the ratings through the roof I'll eat my mostly edible hemp hat. Nancy, I got your thing last week...Loved it...I just have to find time to blog that sucker....Once again, I'm way behind...KDJ, thanks for all your heavy lifting here...And Angie too...We're going to turn this group into a viral groundswell if it takes me running through the streets of Orlando without a tie...

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Thanks both of you--wonder how you did that, Angie. I clicked on the original but it still didn't do it. It's my eyes' fault, not KDJ's. For what it's worth, potatoes would definitely do it for me--best food on earth. But David would probably most like the contest idea. Just an innocent guess, haha. If you'd make the prize an old manual typewriter, I personally would post till I'm toast.