KDJ, that was a fun day...remember, the pickle had gotten wet somehow and was infested with Palmetto bugs. His assistant, that Jamaican guy...what was his name?.....DeShaun? He had that ginormous spliff. I could barely walk after one toke. We pretty much drove the photographer out of his mind. I think he left the biz entirely after that and started selling stereos out of the back of his station wagon. Gawd, the good days...give my love to Buzzy and Floyd...
We need Steampunk Cellphones now! Santa! All I want for Xmas is a fur-lined Motorola Brick with knurled brass thingies and rivets and maybe the screen could be in the shape of a porthole...When we were in NYC we thought it would be a giggle to find one of those motorola bricks and do some photoshoots in the belly of the cellphonecenti beast. How hard could it be to find one in Manhattan? Alas, we came up emptyhanded...Man, we coulda gone viral...
I was not a Green Beret. Neither was I a Navy Seal. I have been at various times in my life an Easter Seal though please don't ask me to balance on a beach ball as I am not trained for that contingency.
It's nice you appreciated that, Dav.id, as it gave me even newer respect for the gentle Phil who nevertheless, when pushed to his limit, can be devastatingly blunt. A word to the wise: Watch out for urnist salesmen no matter what they're selling but especially urns.
I got hooked on phonics once...luckily I was able to break free of this crippling addiction. The shame is the worst part. That and passing the marbles.
David, you got cooked at the Sonic? I am so glad you were able to make a cake without using addition. I always think to send you marbles as I find them in random places around the house. It would be easier to come by an Elgin Pocket Watch;)
What's with the marbles? I have a ton here. (In old tins on shelves.) One fell over a couple of months ago and there were around 200 marbles all over the studio floor. I still run into one at odd (sometimes very odd) moments.
That was my very first mail from you David-loved the epic saga -the things women will do for big hair and the love of marbles. And it all comes to a tragic end in Decatur of all places! Katerina has ties to Elgin AND Decatur and she is also the expert on the Elgin Marble connection. hmmmm
hmmmm. You're right KDJ-In the Mail Art Romances poster David Sent me, all the women have really great perfectly coiffed (Spell chick?) hair. David can you post that if you have a picture? It's on the wall in my living room
KDJ, It helps if you were brought up in a test tube with photoshop as your only companion. You also must renounce all worldly pleasures and financial rewards. And, of course, you must accept Satin as your personal savior. A kick in the head from the right mule is tremendously helpful as well. Finally, I wear only Nobel-approved SmartyPants TM.
KDJ, maybe Dav.id would like to hear more about your work as a court reporter. I know I would. They used to be only petrified props, in movies and on tv. But we always knew there had to be much more to the story ...
Many jobs require one to act/feel machine-like, so you're not alone, though court reporters especially look literally attached to their machines, so that's another level of machine-like. Too bad you can't speak up more--they don't know what they're missing, but we do.
Secret Life of a Court Reporter....By day, she fused with her machine to produce perfect transcripts, by night her mind wandered in a dreamscape peppered with allusions, subterfuge, sustainments and overrulings. One day after ingesting several cups of coffee from a strange coffee shop she'd never visited before the two worlds crossed over and suddenly the dry transcripts turned into surreal playlets of the absurd. She subsequently lost her job but made it big in Hollywood where her bios never failed to mention her humble beginnings as a court reporter.
How do you know I'm not a famous writer? I could be Philip Roth or Mickey Spillane letting off some steam or gathering wool for my next busterblock. I could be Sylvia Plath popping my head out of the oven for a brief postcard. Btw, did you know that Ted Hughes second wife also committed suicide in the same fashion? After that, he got a hot plate.
On 25 March 1969, six years after Plath's suicide by asphyxiation from a gas stove, Assia Wevill committed suicide in the same way. Wevill also killed her child, Alexandra Tatiana Elise (nicknamed Shura), the four-year-old daughter of Hughes, born on 3 March 1965. Their deaths led to (apparently unsupported) claims that Hughes had been abusive to both Plath and Wevill.[
David Stafford
KDJ, that was a fun day...remember, the pickle had gotten wet somehow and was infested with Palmetto bugs. His assistant, that Jamaican guy...what was his name?.....DeShaun? He had that ginormous spliff. I could barely walk after one toke. We pretty much drove the photographer out of his mind. I think he left the biz entirely after that and started selling stereos out of the back of his station wagon. Gawd, the good days...give my love to Buzzy and Floyd...
Dec 23, 2011
Jen Staggs
Dec 23, 2011
David Stafford
We need Steampunk Cellphones now! Santa! All I want for Xmas is a fur-lined Motorola Brick with knurled brass thingies and rivets and maybe the screen could be in the shape of a porthole...When we were in NYC we thought it would be a giggle to find one of those motorola bricks and do some photoshoots in the belly of the cellphonecenti beast. How hard could it be to find one in Manhattan? Alas, we came up emptyhanded...Man, we coulda gone viral...
Dec 23, 2011
Jen Staggs
I heard Steampunk is what happens when Goths discover the color brown.
Dec 23, 2011
David Stafford
Dec 23, 2011
Louise Kiner
Ye Gods! That is splendid, David!
(slipping into my Steampunk "persona"; Ms. Euphrasia Griffin.)
Dec 23, 2011
David Stafford
Louise...I didn't make it...I just found it on the nettubes...just so there are no issues of authorship...(twirls handlebar moustache tellingly)
Dec 23, 2011
Louise Kiner
Dec 23, 2011
David Stafford
True...make a google for Steampunk Cellphone and see the whole collection....
Dec 23, 2011
Louise Kiner
Dec 23, 2011
Nancy Bell Scott
i'm enchanted with "dave." should a new group be started?
Dec 24, 2011
David Stafford
KDJ...sigh...I had no idea. I was suspicious when the mimeographed Christmas letters stopped arriving.
Nancy, No more groups for me. I'm all grouped out.
Dec 24, 2011
Jen Staggs
I am enchanted with David's beret.
Jan 4, 2012
David Stafford
It is a green beret though i was not...
Jan 4, 2012
David Stafford
I was not a Green Beret. Neither was I a Navy Seal. I have been at various times in my life an Easter Seal though please don't ask me to balance on a beach ball as I am not trained for that contingency.
Jan 4, 2012
I read "I am enchanted with David's Breast"
Jan 4, 2012
or is it beast?
Jan 4, 2012
Nancy Bell Scott
It was a thrill to get this card yesterday. I love every single thing about it, including the great photo.
Jan 4, 2012
David Stafford
Diane, sad to say I am double-beasted....
Nancy...glad you enjoyed it....I think if I was to do it over again I would have made the front look like a chinese firecracker package....
Jan 4, 2012
Nancy Bell Scott
Clever, but I'm glad you didn't change a thing. Thanks for putting Phil's name on there too, his very first mail art, made his day ...
Jan 4, 2012
David Stafford
I liked phil ever since you told me about his encounter with the urnist salesman...
Jan 4, 2012
Nancy Bell Scott
It's nice you appreciated that, Dav.id, as it gave me even newer respect for the gentle Phil who nevertheless, when pushed to his limit, can be devastatingly blunt. A word to the wise: Watch out for urnist salesmen no matter what they're selling but especially urns.
Jan 4, 2012
Nancy Bell Scott
or urnettes.
Jan 4, 2012
double beasted- like co-joined twins? joined at the forked tongue or cloven hoof?good things come in twos
must hear the urnist story. I'm laughing just at the thought of what an urn salesman must be like, which I'm sure is probably inappropriate
Jan 4, 2012
David Stafford
Well, as a gemini I have the usual facets plus a few more that were found laying about at birth. As for the urn story I defer to Nancy...
Jan 4, 2012
David Stafford
I got hooked on phonics once...luckily I was able to break free of this crippling addiction. The shame is the worst part. That and passing the marbles.
Jan 6, 2012
David, you got cooked at the Sonic? I am so glad you were able to make a cake without using addition. I always think to send you marbles as I find them in random places around the house. It would be easier to come by an Elgin Pocket Watch;)
Jan 6, 2012
reminds me of a bumper sticker I once saw:
Hooked on fonics Phucked me Up
Jan 6, 2012
David Stafford
At last! The Elgin Marbles within my grasp!
Jan 6, 2012
Well now I must make you some marble art:)
Jan 6, 2012
David Stafford
Perhaps this will refresh your memory!
Jan 7, 2012
Nancy Bell Scott
What's with the marbles? I have a ton here. (In old tins on shelves.) One fell over a couple of months ago and there were around 200 marbles all over the studio floor. I still run into one at odd (sometimes very odd) moments.
Jan 7, 2012
That was my very first mail from you David-loved the epic saga -the things women will do for big hair and the love of marbles. And it all comes to a tragic end in Decatur of all places! Katerina has ties to Elgin AND Decatur and she is also the expert on the Elgin Marble connection. hmmmm
Jan 7, 2012
David Stafford
I have no idea what you're talking about, KDJ...
Jan 7, 2012
Nancy, here's the wikipedia on the Elgin Marbles fiasco
Jan 7, 2012
hmmmm. You're right KDJ-In the Mail Art Romances poster David Sent me, all the women have really great perfectly coiffed (Spell chick?) hair. David can you post that if you have a picture? It's on the wall in my living room
Jan 7, 2012
David Stafford
Jan 7, 2012
David Stafford
KDJ, It helps if you were brought up in a test tube with photoshop as your only companion. You also must renounce all worldly pleasures and financial rewards. And, of course, you must accept Satin as your personal savior. A kick in the head from the right mule is tremendously helpful as well. Finally, I wear only Nobel-approved SmartyPants TM.
Jan 7, 2012
Nancy Bell Scott
Very funny. And she's another perky one, too, isn't she.
The Elgin marbles--so much more than imagined. I am now *educated.*
Jan 7, 2012
David Stafford
You are on the path, grasshopper.
Jan 8, 2012
Nancy Bell Scott
KDJ, maybe Dav.id would like to hear more about your work as a court reporter. I know I would. They used to be only petrified props, in movies and on tv. But we always knew there had to be much more to the story ...
Jan 8, 2012
Jan 8, 2012
Nancy Bell Scott
Many jobs require one to act/feel machine-like, so you're not alone, though court reporters especially look literally attached to their machines, so that's another level of machine-like. Too bad you can't speak up more--they don't know what they're missing, but we do.
Jan 8, 2012
that's what i was thinking Nancy, but maybe BECAUSE KDJ can't express her full ebullient personality at work is why we get to enjoy it so much here.
Jan 8, 2012
Nancy Bell Scott
You read my mind--that was the very next thought after hitting "Add Comment."
Jan 8, 2012
David Stafford
Secret Life of a Court Reporter....By day, she fused with her machine to produce perfect transcripts, by night her mind wandered in a dreamscape peppered with allusions, subterfuge, sustainments and overrulings. One day after ingesting several cups of coffee from a strange coffee shop she'd never visited before the two worlds crossed over and suddenly the dry transcripts turned into surreal playlets of the absurd. She subsequently lost her job but made it big in Hollywood where her bios never failed to mention her humble beginnings as a court reporter.
Jan 8, 2012
David Stafford
How do you know I'm not a famous writer? I could be Philip Roth or Mickey Spillane letting off some steam or gathering wool for my next busterblock. I could be Sylvia Plath popping my head out of the oven for a brief postcard. Btw, did you know that Ted Hughes second wife also committed suicide in the same fashion? After that, he got a hot plate.
Jan 8, 2012
David Stafford
Ever the transcripter of the true narrative!
Jan 8, 2012
Nancy Bell Scott
So is it true? Never heard that, but let's not marry a guy named Ted.
Dav.id, the thought of SP "popping her head out of the oven" to do a brief postcard, well I don't know what, but maybe mail art could have saved her.
Jan 8, 2012
David Stafford
from Ted Hughes wikipedia site:
On 25 March 1969, six years after Plath's suicide by asphyxiation from a gas stove, Assia Wevill committed suicide in the same way. Wevill also killed her child, Alexandra Tatiana Elise (nicknamed Shura), the four-year-old daughter of Hughes, born on 3 March 1965. Their deaths led to (apparently unsupported) claims that Hughes had been abusive to both Plath and Wevill.[
Jan 9, 2012