Asemic Writing for Mail-Artists

Asemic writing for mail-artists

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  • Ficus strangulensis

    This may be taken as another query into the boundary between semic and asemic. Obviously, it contains recognizable symbols. Also, it is not written other than [a few steps ago] by a computer application -- Hexedit. I leave it to the aesthecipient to decide. Y'r ol' Bud,  Fike

  • Ficus strangulensis


  • Richard Canard

    28.02.18 Dare De Villo S. & Ficus S., ...of course the red, blue green,black, letter, number item recently posted by Ficus stangulensis is a complete mystery to me but I also find it to be a most  handsome, appropriate & "favorite" image in this comprehensive & informative asemic archive. SinCelery, Richard C.

  • John M. Bennett

  • Audrey Enough

    us likus ficus

  • Audrey Enough

  • Audrey Enough

  • De Villo Sloan

    I think Fike used his computer for target practice to get that scrambled code.

    Fair to consider it asemic, IMHO.

    I'll try to run that through the glitcher later and make some real asemic gas.

  • De Villo Sloan

    Audrey is taking asemics by storm!

  • De Villo Sloan

    Received AF collabs from Carolyn Kline. Thx.

  • De Villo Sloan


  • De Villo Sloan

    I did a bunch of variations on Fike's code piece and brought in some DK images too, so there's a bunch of stuff at AF.

  • Audrey Enough

    very nice below!

  • Audrey Enough

  • John M. Bennett

    Osvaldo Cibils & John M. Bennett

  • John M. Bennett

    Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 

  • John M. Bennett

    Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 

  • De Villo Sloan

    I think we're blessed to be in a Golden Age of asemic art or vispo or whatever you want to call it.

    I am in awe of these posts!

  • John M. Bennett

    Thx, De Villo

    I have no idea what to call this stuff.  Doesn't matter.  "Art" will do will enough

  • De Villo Sloan

    Ruud Janssen's vispo cut-up that was posted in our group a few days ago is re-posted at Asemic Front. Love those cut-ups! Thx Ruud

  • Terry Owenby

    I tried to post a comment on DVS's wordpress article regarding Ruud Janssen's vispo cut-up but couldn't get logged in. I want to say it is a beautiful piece! I am also loving these collabs with, and posted by, John Bennett. They are amazing. I especially like the Osvaldo Cibils collaboration. Thanks for sharing!

  • De Villo Sloan

    Terry, I have to approve comments at AF or it will turn into a spam fest. Maybe that's it. I'll check and see what's what. It takes me a while to make the rounds.

    Thanks for your previous comments.

    And I concur again, people are sharing some incredible work.

    I'm glad I'm running AF - essentially a mail art call - that is documenting this work. (Obviously I am using digital and snail mail.)

    thx all

  • Nancy Bell Scott

  • Terry Owenby

    Thank you for offering to check on my issue with WP posts, De Villo, but I'm quite sure the problems has to do with my passwords etc etc. I have problems on several blogs where I can't gain entry, even though I'm a member. I just need to bite the bullet and sit down one of these days to figure it all out. I too am glad you are documenting this work. I think it's important. Thanks for all your efforts. 

  • Audrey Enough

    so great nancy...kindof a broadway boogie woogie thing going on there!

  • Audrey Enough

  • Audrey Enough

  • De Villo Sloan

    Group members are probably familiar with the asemic piece Borderline Grafix (Texas) posted at the IUOMA. I received the original and documented it at Asemic Front. BG always responds to every artistic challenge with great work. Thx

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Very inspiring work by BG, Audrey Enough, and JB here lately -- wow.

  • De Villo Sloan

    Federico Federici (Berlin, Germany) is doing some great "asemic concrete hybrid" work. He's given me 5 new compositions for Asemic Front. Federico is not a networker like us, but of course vispo and mail art meld together in places. I certainly consider him part of AF. So meet FF if you haven't!

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Front of asemic envelope from Audrey Enough, then back of envelope, and an asemic piece on vellum that could be posted in the minimal mail art group too, especially intriguing:

  • John M. Bennett

  • John M. Bennett

    Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 

  • De Villo Sloan

  • De Villo Sloan

    This new batch has the Nancy Bell Scott piece digitized in various ways. So this is an NBS-DVS collab.

  • De Villo Sloan

    And welcome to old friend (of many calls) and IUOMA star and friend to many Gina Ulgen (UK)!

    Would love to see some asemics, Gina. So glad you are here. DVS

  • Ficus strangulensis

    I found this where the snowfall abutted the carport here in snowy West Virginia usa this morning. It appears to be asemic writing. Perhaps others can decipher it if it actually contains meaning. Y'r ol' Bud, Fike

  • De Villo Sloan

    That's "eco-asemics," Fike. The Kulters would say, "God wrote that."

    It's a cool glyph.

  • Richard Canard

    "...the handwriting on the wall "...uh, snow.

  • De Villo Sloan

    It takes one to snow one.

  • Thanks for the welcome DVS, I'm quite fascinated by all this and yes I will try my hand at it.

  • Audrey Enough

  • Ficus strangulensis

    I'm intrigued. What is that, Audrey?

  • Audrey Enough

    it's black gesso on paper.  part of a little drum series i'm working on.

  • John M. Bennett

    Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 

  • John M. Bennett

    Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 

  • Norma Soulet

    Everyone has been doing lovely work.

    Love it all!

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi De Villo,

    Asemic's  are heading your way tomorrow.

  • De Villo Sloan

    New work by Kerri Pullo (Arizona, USA) at Asemic Front. This includes work Kerri sent Allan Bealy in Brooklyn. Thx to Allan for the pic help!

  • De Villo Sloan

    "Amused to death" by Kerri Pullo