Comics in mailart

There is no group about comics in mailart or mailart with comic-elements yet.

As some people wrote in their profile they are interested in/ like comics: here is the group for it.

Have fun :) 

and feel free to join / invite more members

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  • Re Schmi

    all the mailart people: you are highly invited to post your comic related stuff here.. :)

  • Re Schmi

    thank you dear Willemien for your comic related mailart!!

    and thank you for the lesson in comic history: Willemien writes about this postcard (I translate and summarize it free: There are to guys. One Black and one very white. It is very racist. It started in USA 1902 with Buster Brown and reached netherlands in 1930. 1949 Sjors (not Buster anymore) meets Zimme - the small black guy- who soon was given the name sjimmie. The pictures on the postcard are from "sjors und sjimmie als journalisten" from 1964

  • KOZY

    Surprise mailart in the POB. Two comics mini-zines from Rebekka Schmidt arrive in envelope. Sie sind wunderbar. Thanks a lot Rebekka.