Paper dolls/Posable figures

This group is for anyone who wants to make and share paper dolls (posable figures). 

  • Maxima Strange

    Emily Bronte paper doll. I used her later in a collage that I had made into postcards. 

  • Maxima Strange

    Two handmade paper dolls on painted background 

  • CUTandTEAR

  • Pam Chatfield

    Thanks for the invite.  I've never thought about this before.  Now you have my wheels turning!

  • Maxima Strange

    Hi Mark, I added “posable figures” after you used the term so I think any medium qualifies here. I love these pieces. Now if I could only get a good pic of your Marx paper doll. I love your pieces as well, Cut and Tear. I knew there were some great ideas out there, ways to stretch the concept of “paper doll.” Thanks for posting! 

  • Maxima Strange

    Thank you for posting him! He’s so great!

  • CUTandTEAR

    I've been collecting and making dolls since 2011.

  • Maxima Strange

    I love your dolls, Cut and Tear!

  • Carien van Hest

    This paper doll, made by CutandTear, is truly amazing. Thank you so much for your creativity, Kate!

  • Maxima Strange

    Wow! I’m loving that doll from Cut and Tear! 

  • CUTandTEAR

    Thank you ladies! More dolls will be on their way soon. I am now definitely home after all my travels in the sabatical year.  ;-)

  • Maxima Strange

    I received this paper doll today from Mark Johnson. He even reused the envelope in which I had sent him the Andy Warhol. This is a wonderful piece, Mark. He is cherished. 

  • Maxima Strange

    This is my Rodin paper doll. I made him after reading Rachel Corbett’s YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR LIFE. 

  • CUTandTEAR

    Hi Dollmakers,

    I just sent a few dolls. Since some of them are quite big, I had to opt for rather large, hand-made envelopes. I hope they will arrive all right. Could you maybe drop me a note, wenn you get them? Just to know, that it worked out. Thank you so much. 

  • CUTandTEAR

    I also got this precious little doll from Laurent. Thanky ou so much Lau!

  • Maxima Strange

    Wow! I love that doll made by Laurent! 

  • Maxima Strange

    This delightful paper doll arrived today from Amy Candiotti. She even has a mouse necklace! Thank you, Amy!

  • Maxima Strange

    Received this wonderful creation from CUTandTEAR. I love her. I appreciate the placement of the brad that looks like a lip piercing! Also a little zine with images of more creative dolls by her. THANK YOU! 

  • CUTandTEAR

    Thank you so much for showing my dolls here. I am always so happyto see,  that they found safely their new homes. ;-) 

    Yes Maxima, the piercing is deliberate. Nice, that you spotted that. ;-D

  • Lau Wilmet

    I received this marvelous paper doll from CutandTear. Thank you so much for the great mail art moment it was to discover it at the opening of the envelope.

  • CUTandTEAR

    Yay! She arrived safely! Thanks for the kind note and the cool photo Lau. 

  • CUTandTEAR

    I got this funky doll from Carien. Thank you so much.! I love her.

  • Pam Chatfield

    I got this doll from Cut & Tear.  I love her expression.  Thank you.

  • Carien van Hest

    Oh Pam, that doll from Kate is priceless!