"Cut up or shut up"
"When you cut into the present...
the future leaks out."
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  • Ficus strangulensis

    The stickbucket whatever would seem to make product similar to that of

    Korenthal Associates DOS program BABBLE

    which allows one to mix two to several source texts as well as to apply one or more of several modifications such as accent or ethnicity.

    If I weren't too lazy to wrestle with DOSBOX, I'd make some examples.

    BTW... beg, beg... can anyone direct me to an easy tutorial for DOSBOX?

    Y'r ol' Bud, Fike

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Hmmmm, or perhaps even "HARUMPF!" BABBLE IS ONLINE

    and seems to be running in my firefox browser. It says it's running in DOSBOX and responds somewhat to its commands. The windows-10 box is not running it according to task manager and I don't see how to save output other than, perhaps, a video capture.


  • De Villo Sloan

  • De Villo Sloan

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Ahhhhh! Get it off, get it off. It's eating my brain... mphglhy

  • De Villo Sloan

  • De Villo Sloan

    Cut-up I received from Ficus strangulensis (West Virgina, USA). Thanks Fike!

  • carl baker


  • Ficus strangulensis

    Hi, Jennifer. I'll offer an opinion although I DO NOT consider myself an expert on what is/isn't a cutup.

    I believe that cutups get their magic from new associations caused by juxtaposing text snip[pet]s and the example you pose seems to have but one text snip. Although, the blocking of part of that snip by the orange hand might lead to new meanings or associations?

    I suppose that one could snip in such a fashion that the removals around the edge could change the meaning of the remainder. One could even snip word[part]s out of the internal body of the snip but that'd be like the crooked redactions we've seen in the news of late.

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Here's a link to what wikipedia 'thinks' cutups are.

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Woopsie! You, sho-nuff got a cutup there fer sure!

  • De Villo Sloan

    Someone sent me this link to a new book that is being published of the writings of Brion Gysin & William S. Burroughs on the cut-up technique.

    You probably won't find a better understanding of cut-up than going directly to Gysin & Burroughs. Included is an explanation of the difference between cut-up & DaDa methods.

    Apparently this new volume includes a new printing of the book The Third Mind (1978) by Gysin & Burroughs, which originally fared very poorly and copies are hard to find. Of course it is now a classic. (Gysin only rarely visited the USA & was not well know in the states until after Burroughs' (final) return.) Anyway, looks like a good book.

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Hey, 'DV' thanks for the heads up! I left them a comment asking if one might subscribe to future comments on the book and letting them know I will wish to purchase a copy. YOB-f

  • John M. Bennett

    I wonder if this new ed. of The Third Mind, etc. would include color plates of all the visual material that didn't make it into the original edition? 

  • Ficus strangulensis

    John, There's a place to leave the author questions/comments at the link DVS posted.

  • John M. Bennett

    I've just learned that there's a very good chance the visual will be in color, but time will tell for sure

  • carl baker

    CUT UP, the burroughs postcard.

  • HilgART

    Cool cut-up, Jennifer--and what a great collection of works to be a part of!! Congratulations!

  • carl baker

    a writing machine that shifts one half one text and half the other through a page frame on a conveyor --- the proportion of half one text half another is important corresponding as it does to the two halves of the human organism(shakespear, burroughs etc) permutating through page frames in constantly changing juxtaposition the machine spits out books,plays and poems, the spectators are invited to feed into the machine any pages of their own text in fifty-fifty juxtaposition with any author, any pages of their choice and get provided with results in a few minutes.    wsb(ticket)

  • carl baker

  • Ficus strangulensis

    So, fellow followers of the path of scissoring... I've piled myself out of room for doing trad art so I've been wondering if there's a  good way to cut lines from text and reassemble them starting with a digital image rather than paper. [pls pardon me if this offends y'r mailart sensibilities!]

    So, I found this prescriptive blather at the internet archive and screenshot a 2-p spread from it [see above] and opened it in corel photopaint where I cd select rows and, surprisingly, I cd drag a row to an open document in corelDRAW. Next, will be the little assembly but what I REALLY WANT TO ASK is if anyone has a better method. This is S-L-O-W.

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Here's the 'little assembly' a first stab at a cutup from the 2-page spread.

    looks like even this sparse collection of sentence fragments cd be assembled differently to make what I think of as a cutup.

    But, again, what I really seek is someone's better method than my digital cut and past from one windows-10 app to another.

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Ok, trying again, this time from one instance of Corel Photopaint v9 to another. I mention the version because it is old, Old, OLD and the newer ones you may use might not behave the same.

  • Ficus strangulensis

    I should've been more forthcoming about what I want from a digital cutup method.

    1) allow me to put text lines onto a pre-existing ['stolen'] image.

    2) allow repositioning after first importing lines of text.

    3) would be nice if it allowed one to open large texts as sources of lines.

    4) similarly, open multiple texts as line sources.

  • John M. Bennett

    Ficus, these are great texts you made, hiwver you did it (which I coukdn't follow well, being a computer idiot)

    i always used scissors and glue, tried and true

    or else just write in a way that appears to be cutup, which is probably is, the cutting up happening in my deprogrammed brain

  • Ficus strangulensis

    here's another, this time using GIMP as the pot full of "wisdom" where bits selected are dipped up and put into a window of Corel DRAW v9

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Here's one constructed over a JPG image scanned from a Rita McNamara envelope. Too much stuff over the beautifully asemic image but it shows that one can paste lines over the image in Corel DRAW.

  • Ficus strangulensis

    another cutup: source text 'held' in Corel Photopaint, target assembled in Corel DRAW, then exported as a JPG. READ AND OBEY!

  • De Villo Sloan

  • De Villo Sloan

    The magic of cut-up:

    "Tennyson" appears in the cut-up by Ficus on 9.16 then in mine (right above Ficus) on 10.23. Complete coincidence.

  • carl baker

    A WRITING machine that shifts one half text and half the other through a page frame on conveyor belts - the proportion of half one text half the  other is important corresponding as it does to the 2 halves of the human organism] shakespeare, rimbaud etc, permutating through page frames in constantly changing juxtaposition the  machine spits out books and plays and poems - the spectators are invited to feed into the machine any pages of their own text in fifty-fifty juxtaposition with any author of their choice, any pages, and provided with the cut-up results in a few minutes.    pg73 ticket that exploded.

  • John M. Bennett

    That writing machine has always been a favorite little passage of mine; I can just see it, sorta clunky and creaking, jerking along....

  • carl baker

    john,maybe its a clarke-nova

  • Ficus strangulensis

    an OLD fike cutup collaboratively finished by someone else[?] including a border of dill seed [I tasted one]

  • John M. Bennett

    nice one Ficus - and i suspect that title "hollow phone"  was cut out of a poem on mine - works good here

  • carl baker

  • Andrew Encisco

  • Andrew Encisco

    a fish illustration I made from a clothing catalog...

  • Andrew Encisco

    a fish illustration from a clothing catalog...

  • Andrew Encisco

    a fish illustration from a clothing catalog...

  • carl baker


  • John M. Bennett

  • carl baker


  • carl baker

    mark,yes for sure.

  • nonlocal variable

  • nonlocal variable

    A little modification of a story...

  • nonlocal variable


  • carl baker

  • John M. Bennett

  • carl baker

    thanks john, great!