Monster Party! - Monstrous Mail Art

This group is all about Monsters sent through the mail. If you are sending creatures, or receive a nasty one, we want to see it.

Why monsters?

Why make art about monsters? It's childish, ridiculous, and vulgar, and I suppose there are other good reasons, as well.


I've been fascinated with creatures, ghosts, spooks, robots, aliens,and such since I was a very young artist, watching Godzilla movies and reading horror comics. I spent most of my free time as a kid drawing nasties and evil fiends, and I just never stopped. Maybe I never grew up. Whatever the reason, I love sending my monsters through the mail. I love garish colors, and pointy teeth, and hollow, unfeeling eyes. It's all in good fun, and a bit of a reminder that SOMETHING will eventually get us all!