ArtiStamps Creators

A Group for all that love and make artistamps. Stories, concepts, special issues, All there is to know

Newbie to Mail Art

What fun! I am new to the IUOMA and would like to participate in making artistamps.  How do I get started? Is there someone in particular I should sent them to?



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    Alan Brignull

    It is fun! Get started by just making some artistamps and sending them to someone. There are no special requirements other than that they look a bit like postage stamps. I put mine on mail art, on penpal letters, on almost any envelope I send.

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      Bethany Lee

      Welcome to IUOMA. Create whatever your heart desires and send it on an excursion in the mail to somewhere else on the planet. I am lucky enough to have a foot-pedal perforator for making my artistamps' perforations. Would be happy to send you some sheets to play with.