DECOS - Do you miss them?

Do you miss Decos? What’s a DECO? It’s a sort of mail art friendship book, but with a theme. Each book has around 6 to 10 pages inside and a THEME. You do a page according to your art style and following the theme, and you mail it to another DECO person. It’s like an ADD/PASS, in a way. When it’s full, it goes back to the person who started it.

I started doing DECOs back in 2004, but then people started making them too heavy, gluing all sorts of heavy embellishments, etc., and I couldn’t afford the postage. Then, the DECO world sort of died out. I’d like to see if any of you are interested. 

Let me know if you have questions! Hugs, Bonniediva

Bonniediva, 1726 Lind Lane, Gurnee, IL 60031 USA


Bonjour, je ne connaissais pas DECOS,  mais je veux bien participer.

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    Uta Richter

    Je t'envoi un : )


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      Bienvenue Latrille! Nous Sommes heureux de vous avoirdupois rejoint. 

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        Bonjour j'ai reçu ton DECOS , avec grand plaisir j'ai participé.C'est parti ce matin pour cheminer vers toi.Merci, à bientôt j’espère dans nos boites aux lettres.Me suis bien amusée