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Where to get sheets of dry gum paper

Does anyone know a source for dry gummed sheets of paper?  Looking for 8x11 in a ream if possible.  So far, all sources have turned up dry with one expensive exception.  

Have looked at wine/beer bottle labels but they come on small packs of 5 or 10.


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    Carmela Rizzuto

    I have purchase UNGUMMED perforated postage paper at a very reasonable price from 100 proof press . I just checked the web site's store  and it still sells them. I attach them to mail art with a glue stick. 

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      A Badger

      Thanks for the leads.  I have some paper used to make labels for wine and beer bottles.  It is gummed but much less than normal gummed paper for stamps would be.  Its major advantage is that it is much cheaper.  

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        Michael French

        Portland Stamp Company sells perforated, gummed sheets in various sizes and they provide templates to use to create your artwork to fit perfectly on the sheets. I'm going to try these soon myself.