Mail Art for Peace, Equality, Love, Respect .... forever

This group, wants to pick up all those people, whom they think that the Mail Art both a tool to spread in the world the peace and the love, for a best world.

joining group

Hello, friends!
I am happy to see my own ideas are co-streaming to ideas of others involved inside and outside mail art society.

Love and Peace are forever bound to be addressed spread to everybody through every single piece of mail art that comes from and to me. I believe it helps people to be more easier, friendly and loving to not only humans but every living soul - animals, birds, the nature,God and Heaven, the good and the bad.

dear group creators, thank you for arising the idea and i would like to know if it is possible to be added to the group as the +join feature does not seem to be working in this group for me now.
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    Steven Fossiant

    Hi Maria,
    it is a pleasure to know you and for me it is all right, we can bring forth the discussion.
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      Maria Fedorchuk

      grazie, Stefano! e un piacere per me anche =) e finalmente i managed adding myself! =))) cheers!
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        Steven Fossiant

        Yes, you are welcome .... have a nice day !