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Music and the process of creation

Music is inspiring. It always was. Most of the time, I put music playing in the background to write poetry or to create other forms of art.
So, my curiosity leads me to ask you: Do you use music to stimulate your creations?
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    Drew Kinninmont

    Yes, but no. That is, there's nearly always music (or noise) playing in my studio throughout the day. Even when I'm not working on anything it's there filtering out of the room into the rest of the house. I keep the radio on if I'm not listening to something I'm into at the moment (or in the mood for), which ranges from new age to metal... baroque, classical, jazz, fado, punk, raga, kirtan, noise, drone, electronic, new wave &c... I know that it weaves its way into my work, but I don't feel I use it to stimulate my creativity, it's just a big part of my life in general. 


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      Carla Cryptic

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        Carla Cryptic

        I like to illustrate song lyrics but also to make song art for the songs I do on my own as well as the ones I do in collaboration with others.  I have collected a bunch of them in a group at flickr if anyone is interested in having a look at them.  They almost all have subsequent links to the songs themselves for those who would like to hear them also.

        CJP/ Carla Cryptic Music Albums at Flickr