Ask Anything

There are a lot of basic questions on Mail Art that are often asked and answered. This group might be the first place to look for answers. I will do my best to answer, but hope that other members can help out as well.

What do you put in Envelope?

I have been trading ATC's for about 9 years and a few years ago started to 'decorate' the envelopes  after reading about mail art. . Not sure what to put in a Mail Art envie?? message, ephemera, note, all/nothing? I also have traded a few collaged postcards with other ATC artists who do other size art Should I concentrate on Postcards which solves this problem? Any help/suggestions

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    Ray Haley

    Dumb question of the day: What is "ATC" or "ATC artist?" Every niche has its acronyms and I know a few different sets of them, unfortunately, not knowing and not asking makes me uninformed and unable to contribute to the best of my ability. Grateful for any assistance!

    Ray Haley

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      DeeDee Maguire

      Hi Lynne

      Would you please let me know what  an "ATC" artist is?

      As far as Mail Art-if it is some one I know well with whom I correspond regularly I'll write a letter and place it inside a single fold card (that I also decorate in the same theme as the envelope

      Hope this helps! Looking forward to learning about "ATC"!

      with kind regards


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        Mim Golub Scalin


        just a little but of personal history and fun about ATCs

        I didn’t know what they were when I first saw “ATC” on a

        2000 or 2001 site called PostcardX. 
        It was explained to me and I LOVED the idea. 
        I was teaching art at university again

        after a 15 year break in another career and wanted 

        Some interesting project for my students. And introduced them to ATCs

        as a way to help them not be perfect and to work collaboratively. 
        They loved it. I still have samples from several years. 
        and I myself traded cards for years. 
        then one year, while in an art residency in Paris, I noticed the name of the occupant 

        in a studio down the hall from ours-it was the Zurich studio, and the name on the door

        was M. Vançi Stirnemann. the guy who started the whole thing. We met. Shared some wine.

        And I heard the story from him. I was like a crazed fan. Like he was a big celebrity. And to me he was. 
        some where I have photos of us. I have a big smile on my face in all of the photos. 
        I still think he was super amazing for coming up with the idea of ATCs.