The One Page Zine

That is, an 8 page zine made with just one sheet of paper. 

This group is for anyone who wants to make, share, and trade zines made with just one sheet of paper. The paper is folded to make an 8 page zine.  If you don’t know how, there are many tutorials on YouTube. Here’s one:

You can also share your creations here, along with any tips you’d like to pass along. 

Not a group for add and pass. Complete zines only. Let’s collect some zines!

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  • Heather Wilkie (paganfrog)

    i also got "100 days" from olena, today, thank you my friend. im slowly creating some things, but yesterday i had a mild migrane so im still a tiny bit scrambled today

  • Sabrina S

    I also got both Ukraine zines from Olena. The zines are sad and beautiful. 

  • Sabrina S

    I also got Mark Johnsons zine. Especially this page made me smirk:  

  • Sabrina S

    My next zine went out to you. It is partly printed, partly handmade, so every one is a bit different, especially as I had to find out the best way to make it. :) 

  • Olena Spicer

    Thank you, everybody, I am glad the zine has reached you! I am currently in a 10 day roadtrip, but will be making more zines when I am back.

  • Daniel de Culla

    I like Zines and Yrs.

  • Triboulet

    Hello everyone. In 2018 I spent one month in Salt Lake City, I made these 15 minizines in A4 version. Is there anyone who would be ready to take up the challenge. I have 12 packs of 15 zines left. (Excuse me but I can't exchange a zine for a zine) Hello from Germany

  • Carien van Hest

    What exactly is the challenge, Triboulet?

  • Triboulet

    just to trade 15 mini zines to 15 mini zines :)

  • Carien van Hest

    Send them!

  • Triboulet

    ok i'll send them tho the Netherland (do you receive the second one ??)

  • Maxima Strange

    I received Sabrina’s Pigeon zine!

  • Maxima Strange

    Received from Olena Spicer. Thank you!

  • Carien van Hest

    Imagine this cover in... red bubbles :-)

    Thank you, Mark Johnson

  • Maxima Strange

    I also received Mark’s zine! Thank you! 

  • Maxima Strange

    Terrific little zine from Monster A GoGo! Only 10 in existence and now all miiiiiinnnne!!!

  • Mim Golub Scalin

  • Maxima Strange

    Yay Mark!

  • Pam Chatfield

    So excited!  I received my first zine since joining this group.  Zine #1 from Mark Johnson.  It's great! 

    I'm working on my first one.  I hope to have it done this weekend so I can get copies in the mail Monday.

  • Maxima Strange

    Hi Pam, I’ll send you one of mine soon. Love that meditating man on Mark’s envelope!

  • Pam Chatfield

    Thanks Maxima!

    Me too; I smiled when I caught sight of the meditating man before I even took it out of my mailbox.

  • Maxima Strange

    Another wonderful zine from Sabrina S! 

  • Daniel de Culla

    Greetings with Richard C.

  • Maxima Strange

    Great one page zine from Pam Chatfield. Thank you, Pam!

  • Sabrina S

    What a coincidence, mine from Pam Chatfield arrived today, too. Thank you very much, Pam! :)

  • Carien van Hest

    I'll gladly take this zine with me any journey. Thank you, Linda, Pelati!

  • Pam Chatfield

    Yay!  My zines are beginning to arrive at their destinations!

  • James Chester

    I hope it's okay if an occasional zinester joines here. I've made several zines using this one-page method in the past.  I make a small edition of them every so often.  I'll try to get to work on one soon, but I probably do this once or twice a year at the most.  They are a lot of fun and I am retired now, so....

  • Maxima Strange

    we look forward to your contributions here, James. 

  • Carien van Hest

    One spread of a great little zine by Pam Chatfield:

    thank you, Pam!

  • Maxima Strange

    I laughed out loud at the cupcake page. 

  • Heather Wilkie (paganfrog)

    ive recieved a funny zine from Pam chatfield. it arrived while i was away getting my brains lmelted in the southern uk  heatwave. i didnt enjoy the stay near london at all, im happy to be home again. i sent out some zine mail that should have gone out before i was away. and im now creating another little zine.

  • Maxima Strange

    I’ve been seeing about the heat there on the news, Heather (paganfrog). I hope it lets up soon. Hot here, too. 

  • Heather Wilkie (paganfrog)

    near london is where i grew up in, but since i moved away over 20 years ago i am nolonger acclimatized to southern heatwaves. no im back home in northern scotland the weather is much more comfortable. its warm for us, but no extreme. its nice

  • Maxima Strange

    A cool little zine from Theo Nelson 

  • Maxima Strange

    Mark’s third zine came today (only took 16 days!) Thank you, Mark. Really fine work, zine and envelope! 

  • Pam Chatfield

    Thanks Heather (Paganfrog)!  This zine made me chuckle.  I believe we had similar imaginations as children.  I like the cards you included too.  I'm working on my second zine.  I'll be sure to include you in my mailing.

  • Pam Chatfield

    I also received zine number 2 from Mark.  Mark, I love your sense of humor.  Zine number 2 will be coming soonish.

  • Maxima Strange

    Tiny Jazz Zine from Carien!

  • Carien van Hest

    I hope you have a jacuzzi to read the jazzine, Maxima 

  • Carien van Hest

    A nightblue velvet zine from Mark Johnson, I'll show you just one spread.

    Thank you!

  • Rome Smith

    Thanks so much for your portfolio Carien. Great idea for a one-page zine.  And thanks for the stamps!

  • Maxima Strange

    Mini Portfolio looks interesting!

  • Pam Chatfield

    I received a zine with a couple of extras from Maxima.  Thank you!  I enjoyed the whole zine, but pages 4 and 6 especially made me smile.

  • Maxima Strange

    Hi Pam, those were fun mailings to put together. Thanks for posting!

  • Heather Wilkie (paganfrog)

    Hiya maxima and olena have you received art mail from me yet? I sent them out the same time I sent pams out and she’s received it

  • Maxima Strange

    I have not received yours yet, Heather. 

  • Maxima Strange

    Hi Heather, yours was there when I checked the mail just now! Wonderful pieces. Thank you!

  • Heather Wilkie (paganfrog)

    Excellent maxima I love making these zines it’s fun, but I have a habit of getting sidetracked in any creating I do and I currently have a partial zine but then I got sidetracked and I  am now playing with some paper working crafting lol

  • Maxima Strange

    I am the same way, Paganfrog. I just let the spirit guide me.