The One Page Zine

That is, an 8 page zine made with just one sheet of paper. 

This group is for anyone who wants to make, share, and trade zines made with just one sheet of paper. The paper is folded to make an 8 page zine.  If you don’t know how, there are many tutorials on YouTube. Here’s one:

You can also share your creations here, along with any tips you’d like to pass along. 

Not a group for add and pass. Complete zines only. Let’s collect some zines!

  • carl baker

    one page? then its not really a zine is it?

    but what the hell, i'll trade........

    mail on its way to u, enjoy.

  • Maxima Strange

    One sheet of paper folded to make 8 pages☺️

  • Maxima Strange

    This is a template for an 8 page zine made from one sheet of paper. 

  • Maxima Strange

    Another video on how to make a zine from one sheet of paper:

  • william S. Paley

    sounds interesting....myself, been doing ZINES since late 70' current zine, ' Loafing the Donkey' (36 pages) just released it's 81st issue..since it's birth in Ann Arbor, may 1987. how time flies...looking forward to this group. Also just did a series of mini zines. (12 pages each) 53 different issues.....

  • Maxima Strange

    William, that sounds amazing! I want to find a direction toward a series like that. I’m not sure yet what I want to do so I’m exploring. I love doing these little zines because they are fast, easy, and inexpensive to make and reproduce. 

  • Maxima Strange

    My first zines were sent to all members of this group last week. I hope they arrive soon. ❤️

  • Carien van Hest

    Arrived, Maxima! Love both card and zine!

  • Maxima Strange

    That’s great Carien! Another is on its way to you. Mailed last week. Thank you for posting and letting me know!

  • Maxima Strange

    One page zine, tiny haiku zine (marvelous!) and post card of original art by Devin S. Turk. Thank you, Devin! 

  • Sabrina S

    I also got Maximas zine, thank you so much! My little humble zine is on the way to you!

  • Maxima Strange

    • Great, Sabrina S! I like the humility of the one page zine. I like the scribbles and mistakes and low tech nature of them. I sent out new zines yesterday!
  • Maxima Strange

    Really enjoyed this little zine from Carien. Thank you! 

  • Sabrina S

    Your 2nd zine arrived, Maxima! Looks very cool! I'll sent you another one this week!

  • Maxima Strange

    I can’t wait to see it, Mark!

  • carl baker


    thats definitely a transgression for all that is holy

    with the one pagers. yes, bigger&better.

  • Maxima Strange

    Transgressions and zines naturally go together.

  • Maxima Strange

    Glad it arrived, Sabrina S!

  • Carien van Hest

    Another great little zine from Maxima Strange:

  • Maxima Strange

    Glad it arrived, Carien. ❤️ Great cover, Mark. Hope you sent one my way. ❤️

  • Sabrina S

    Gosh, Mark that looks  awesome and so professional! Very auspicious! 

  • Carien van Hest

    Incoming mail art from Sabrina S. A cheerful envelope with a mini zine about pigeons!

  • Maxima Strange

    Love the pigeons!

  • Maxima Strange

    Received Mark’s zine today. Absolute treasure!

  • Linda Pelati

    Love the enormous potential of tiny handmade expressions

  • Carien van Hest

    Olena Spicer sent me her heartbreaking mini-zine. Thank you and I hope this war will end some day soon.

  • carl baker

    yes, me too, beautiful work by olena.

  • Olena Spicer

    Thank you so much for your kind words about my zine and your words of support.

  • Maxima Strange

    Received a one page zine from Sabrina S. in this beautiful envelope. The zine is a description of herself and the things that matter to her, one of my favorite kind of zines. 

  • Heather Wilkie (paganfrog)

    hello my dears. ive been slow to get started in this group but i have recently recieved some awesome minizines from maxima strange and olena.

    life lessons from the head, and the book of fermentatons from maxima, and current self from olena. its spurred me to actually get started on some new zines, im currently creating one right now so hopefully ill get some copies sent out soon.

  • Maxima Strange

    That sounds good, paganfrog. Hope you are well.

  • Heather Wilkie (paganfrog)

    Yes I’m good thanks I tend to bounce between long times of just wanting to read books or long times of art making, I’ve been on the book side until recently but I still love art making 

  • Maxima Strange

    I understand that need to switch from one activity to another. I do the same.
  • Heather Wilkie (paganfrog)

    I’ve tried in the past to keep it mixed and ongoing but I just can’t work that way lol

  • Maxima Strange

    You know best how to feed your soul. 

  • Maxima Strange

    I also received a zine from Olena! Thank you!