Seasonal Mail Art

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  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Spring Season mail art :-)

  • Mail Art Martha

    Those colours! Katerina, they zing! and they are so subtle at the same time. 

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Spring season greetings from Mail Art Martha, via Snail Mail!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    EASTER Season and Spring from Mail Art Martha!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Linda Rogers

    Trying to get this correct this time.  Refreshing Spring greeting received from Heide Monster (accidentally mixed up the envelopes on this one and mis-attributed earlier). 

  • Mail Art Martha

    This is the common lawn in front of our house, which is in a row of 13. I have to defend the daisies from the monster of a gardener ( no gardener really, he cuts the grass and trims all bushes to look like lollipops) who wants to mow  all down. 

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    It's Spring: envelope from Fleur!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Fleur, for the Spring rose!

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Some beautiful blue springtime greetings from Katerina (MomKat). Thank you!

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Here are some summertime wishes from Antonia Mayol Castello. Bliss!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Time for Summer mail art :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Here is a Solstice greeting card from Jan Hodgman!

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Earlier this week, I received some summertime greetings from Mail Art Martha. Ali Khat and Vermina the Rat are visiting the seashore, where Ali can enjoy the sunshine and everyone else can swim.

    She also included a card featuring one of her drawings from a trip to France last year. More fun!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thank you for posting Fleur. I am going back to France next week to join the gang and see that Ali starts a diet!

  • Jan Hodgman

    Happy Halloween with a cool tag from Marlies:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Returned home to Thess and found mucho mail art...including this "last of summer" seasonal from Fleur! Thank you so much!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Also a summer Ali Khat was waiting for me,

    Thank you, Martha!!!

    (going to post at Cat Lovers, too :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Summer seasonal mail art from Mail Art Martha...lovely,

    as we still have "summer" here in Greece!

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Some beautiful early autumn greetings came my way from Mail Art Martha ... enjoy!

    This card came in a tasty envelope with some other goodies, including a collage featuring the art of Alexandre Charret-Dykes and Auguste Rodin that she made during her summer holiday in France ...

    ... and some scary Halloween treats. (Or should I call them "tricks?!)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Halloween "season" mail art arrived in Greece:

    (UK Brexit Halloween deadline postponed...for all creatures :-)

    from Mail Art Martha :

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Halloween season from Sabela in Spain, too:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Halloween season mail art from Pam McVay, too:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Halloween season!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Halloween "orange", too  :-)

  • Jayne Barket Lyons

    Happy November! I just discovered this group. With Christmas around the corner wondering about swapping mail with others. For the record, I’m fine with both religious and secular Christmas stuff - especially love vintage themed.  Anyone want Christmas mail from me?

  • Fleur Helsingor

    I would love to receive something wintery from you, Jayne (and anyone else). My address is on my profile page.

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Here are some autumn colors and Halloween greetings from Katerina Nikoltsou! I'm glad to see your work in my mail again and I hope that you had a wonderful summer.

    Some nice rubber stamps on the back!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Autumn from Sabela in Spain:

    a lovely painted landscape, gracias!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    some Autumn owls from Sabela, too:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Thanksgiving :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Last Leaf of Autumn Season !

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Seasonal greetings for all of you! The flowers are red proteas in a small sidewalk garden on Jackson Street in my city.

  • Fleur Helsingor

    A tasty seasonal treat from Katerina Nikoltsou!

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Here is a lovely holiday greeting card from Katerina Nikoltsou, featuring tape art and a glittery star. Happy New Year!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thanks for posting, Fleur...Happy Holiday SEASON TIME!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hearts and Flowers for today,

    ...February "season" !

    (yes, that is a "waffle" heart :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Awww, I want TWO of those waffle hearts!

    These are lovely cards. Thank you for posting them here, Katerina!

  • Fleur Helsingor

    And here it is, a "heart waffle" card from Katerina! A tasty treat indeed.

    I also received a lovely Greek Blue winter greeting card from Katerina. Thank you!

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Here's a second winter greeting card from Katerina. I love the "lemon sun!"

    Also, take a look at these wonderful Greek Valentine's Day postage stamps!

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Springtime greetings from Katerina Nikoltsou, pink with a lemon sun!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Spring! Thanks for posting the PINK, Fleur. It was sent out in early March, before our Greek lock down, so I am happy to see it arrived ok!

  • Mail Art Martha

     Jon Matson has many disguises.  He is here cheering us up in the Corona Season, with a collegue. Unfortunately not my postmen.

    My Kevin, although very cheerful always and willing to participate in Mail Art photos, do not done fancy dress.

  • Fleur Helsingor

    What a wonderful idea! He's so cute!!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thanks, Fleur, BOTH have arrived!

    Nice vase for SPRING flowers :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)