25.1.25 Daisies from the USA :-)

Mail Art from the USA coming with "daisy" circle postage, so mellow yellow!

Mim in Virginia sent a greeting for Peace, and also fabulous punched circles!'liking the kitties and fish, too!

EAT ART recycled magazine page envelopes have returned to Greece,

with fun"spinach" recipe from David Stafford, and a mail art card from Reid Wood.

And the gals sent their mail art, too, and arrived happily in Athens:

Thank you all so much, so good to see you in the mail!

  • Thom Courcelle

    A good haul! …And I like the idea of you having received a bouquet of “daisies” because of the particular U.S. international stamp!!  You definitely deserve to be sent armloads of flowers! ❤️ 🌼