Lulu Flanagan's Comments

Comment Wall (27 comments)

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At 3:59pm on February 13, 2025, Caitlin Friesen said…

Oooof, this year has certainly started out tumultuous! Hoping we can move at least somet things back on course and that you're settling in to your new spot. Sending good vibes (and some more mail art!) your way!!

At 3:49pm on February 11, 2025, Caitlin Friesen said…

Lulu! I'm so overdue on mail art for you! I rediscovered your postcard from long ago this week and will send something shortly

At 5:41pm on April 22, 2024, Caitlin Friesen said…

Thanks for the postcard and haiku! Working on something to send back to you now!

At 6:39am on April 18, 2024, Jennifer said…

Thank you for the warm welcome Lulu! Looking forward to receiving and sending mail art! 

At 9:12pm on April 13, 2024, Lisa Cox said…

Thanks so much for the postcard and the bonus Haiku! Did you take the photo?

Happy mailing.  Lisa

At 10:08pm on September 21, 2023, Fast Eyes said…
Mysterious mail has arrived. Many thanks. Now I ponder.
At 9:30pm on June 29, 2023, Fast Eyes said…
Hi Lulu, received the book. Thanks. Did I inadvertently send you an A&P? I didn’t think I did.
At 9:37am on June 23, 2023, Mikel Untzilla said…

At 6:41am on May 27, 2023, Fast Eyes said…
Edit: L McG
At 6:38am on May 27, 2023, Fast Eyes said…
Directions: take photo before and after and send photos to L McD.
At 6:50pm on May 26, 2023, Fast Eyes said…
Was able to photo and email as directed.
At 6:33pm on May 26, 2023, Fast Eyes said…
Hi Lulu, Received your pc A&P - sorry, can’t photo/post it but hope the next person can.
At 9:47pm on May 22, 2023, Sabela Baña said…

Thanks Lulu Flanagan.

At 9:13am on May 16, 2023, Mikel Untzilla said…

Thanks Lulu Flanagan

At 2:29am on April 24, 2023, Sarah Roe said…

Thank you for the mail art - the photo evokes a smell of the ocean for me, I love the compositionThank you!

At 7:46am on April 6, 2023, Arjan Winkelaar said…

Thank you, Lulu! Glad to be here and show some of my art. Also need to get back in the mail-art sending again. It's been to long

At 11:22pm on April 5, 2023, Sarah Roe said…

Also, I very much love the tree you are taking a portrait with for your profile! I think I will have to make the tree art I've been mulling over so that I can share it with you.

At 11:20pm on April 5, 2023, Sarah Roe said…

Fantastic, thank you for the offer! I'm enjoying all the wonderful folks here and the feeling of being inspired to make - it's helping me so much :)

At 6:26pm on March 13, 2023, Pam Chatfield said…

Hi Lulu,

I received your art in this mornings mail, I love it, thank you.  Mine is almost ready, and it will be in the mail tomorrow morning.   :)

At 12:20pm on March 9, 2023, Steph Dodson said…

Hi Lulu! Thank you for the add and postcard. Will have a return in the mail to you soon.


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