hellooo :) am in my 3rd year and doing a piece about life and people, i want to learn more about peoples lives in general so i thought this question would some up my theme, please send me your bucket list it would help in my studies alot :)thankyouu!!

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Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on October 11, 2012 at 4:57am

Suggestion: drop the 'bucket list' label, and ask a a more simple question like, 'what are the 6 (10? 12?) things that you would like to see or do before you die?'

That should be ubnderstandable to everyone -- and always bear in mind that a large part of your 'audience' is not a native Englisj speaker.

Once again...good luck, Val

Comment by amy mckevitt on October 10, 2012 at 10:39pm

thankyou val i dont think people understand my question haha i will try something new :)

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on October 8, 2012 at 5:49am

OK, Amy, here's a start.

It's from my 'List your life 'to do' list from the Nolan boook I told you about.

It's short, because there are other Nolan lists that are related to it in the context of her book, eg 'List things you'd like to do before you die'.

i) Have my own  bedroom

ii) Make sure that I leave my partner enough money when i die so that she will be financially OK

iii) Have a juke box

iv) Have an acquarium

v) Have a Mulready envelope

Another thing Amy that you might give some thought to:

-- you've now gotten 70 hits, but only one bucket list, and I think you should be asking why you haven't received any more?

Is what you are trying to do unclear (in an international context)? Uninteresting to people? Unfocussed? Un-anything else?

Good luck, Val

Comment by amy mckevitt on October 7, 2012 at 9:07pm
you can leave your name of it if you like am not entirely sure what am going to do with them yet, i will know as the term progresses, if you want to make it confidential you can :) i hope this helps!!
Comment by De Villo Sloan on October 6, 2012 at 3:05pm

"Romanticism is the well. Classicism is the bucket." - Ezra Pound

Comment by Arac on October 6, 2012 at 5:33am

Checking out the Great Barrier Reef is pretty high on mine which is why I've started a Walkabout To Waitpinga fund so I can visit Viz while checking one off my list, a win-win :)

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on October 6, 2012 at 5:21am

Thanks Amy.

Now it is clearer.

One question, and it is an important one: does my list have to be made public, or can it be confidential, between thee and me?

(And here's a second question -- but you said only one, Val! -- will you attribute the lists to specific people in your piece/thesis, or will you say something like 'an old bloke from France's list contained...'?)

Back to the subject.

There is a very, very good book by Lisa Nola called 'Listography' (Chronicle Books, San Fran; 2007) in which you list just about everything in your life past & porsent, including, and I start at the beginning; pets and their bnames; closest friends places you've lived; your favourite films; past jobs; biggest fears; etc.

A hundred or so lists later you get to the last lists: hobbies past & present; bad habits (of course, I don't have any!); the best days of your life; AND, wait for it, "your life 'to do' list".

I guess the latter is the bucket list. (There's only 5 items in my to do list).

 The book is very good and when you've filled in all of these lists, what you have is really a very personal life history.

If you can get hold of the book, you might find it interesting..

Regards, Val (who, a few years ago, co-wrote a self-published book called "The Shopping List" -- a romantic comedy that started with the discovery of a shopping list in a supermarket car-park)

Comment by amy mckevitt on October 5, 2012 at 5:14pm

oo i study fine art and thankyou for all the comments its helping alot :)

Comment by amy mckevitt on October 5, 2012 at 5:12pm
i am looking into people, life and death, i have a few ideas but i thought i could learn alot about people by finding out about their bucket lists without knowing them, am interested in strangers and how people spend their lives. the bucket list is a starting point for me, and it is a list of things you want to do before you die, abit morbid haha. In the following weeks i will be posting more questions like are you afraid of death, do you think about it etc i know its depressing but its a subject am rather interested in and if you could post me something for my art work i would really appreciate it!! Thankyou :)
Comment by De Villo Sloan on October 5, 2012 at 3:07pm

There was a young lass from Nantucket

Who kept all of her cash in a bucket

Till the day Sister Nan

Ran away with a man

And as for the bucket - f______t




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