Stamps & Print by Moan Lisa (North Liberty, Iowa, USA)

Moan - 7.28.2016 - 2

Mail art by Moan Lisa (North Liberty, Iowa, USA)

July 29, 2016 - I am pleased to share the contents of an envelope recently received from the ever-prolific, ever-provocative, ever-evolving Moan Lisa. These stamps, of course, make an ambiguous commentary on the current, burning issue of gun violence, an issue with special resonance in the USA. Accordingly, Moan Lisa uses another Andy Warhol-style appropriation/homage/quotation, assuming the stamps were actually made by Moan Lisa. More specifically, the stamps conjure an Andy Warhol meets William S. Burroughs vibe. Here is a close in on one of the stamps:

Moan - 7.28.2016 - 1

Moan Lisa also included a print:

Moan - 7.28.2016 - 3

The reverse side says: “MARIAS CATARACT SURGERY. JPG 05. Ordered at Shutterfly” A Moan Lisa card:

Moan - 7.28.2016 - 4

Moan - 7.28.2016 - 5

As ever, thanks to Moan Lisa!

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Comment by Richard Canard on July 30, 2016 at 6:04am

29.07.16 Dare De Villo S., ...& then, there is the story of Ms. Dorothy Podber  ( a performance associate of Ray Johnson) & the shooting of Marilyn Monroe canvases in Warhol's studio. ..... only to be topped a few years later by Ms. Valerie Solanas  who kept her gun in a laundry bag stored at our beloved Dame May Wilson's  New York apartment. ....R.I. P.ley's' Believe It or Not. Richard C.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on July 29, 2016 at 11:57pm

Oh well, this just goes to show one should always fact check, even mail art blogs.

Andy Warhol did a gun series nearly identical in places to what Moan Lisa sent.

So I don't know if Moan's stamps are a total appropriation or what. Some of you will recall Moan Lisa did a big fake Andy Warhol project.

I remembered the gangsters but only ever-so-faintly the guns. It nagged at me long enough that I had to check.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on July 29, 2016 at 11:02pm

Toni supports my point. You can read the stamp as pro-gun or anti-gun. Where is Moan when you need him/her?

Looks like Moan has checked out of IUOMA (again). Maria Morisot is still here, though.

Comment by Toni Hanner -- tonipoet on July 29, 2016 at 7:00pm
Bradford, I was referring to the gun -- It seems a very powerful anti-gun statement to me.
Comment by Richard Canard on July 29, 2016 at 6:22pm

The one with the pink background looks especially nice.

Comment by Bradford on July 29, 2016 at 6:18pm

Which image are you referring to?

Comment by Toni Hanner -- tonipoet on July 29, 2016 at 6:16pm
Terrific image, Moan Lisa!
Comment by De Villo Sloan on July 29, 2016 at 5:13pm

I thought you'd like Moan Lisa's stamps, Richard.

I believe the nod to Andy Warhol here is obvious, but I could be wrong. I am thinking of those gangster portraits especially. Warhol's intent is "indeterminate," and I think Moan hedges w/ the indeterminate as well.

BUT, and this is purely speculative, I could believe - that as a Midwesterner & rugged individual - Moan Lisa might surprise many & turn out to be a solid gun advocate.

You well know, Richard, that the American obsession w/firearms is a mystery to most of the world. Having studied American culture for a very long time, I know this obsession is real & goes back centuries.

Comment by Richard Canard on July 29, 2016 at 4:14pm

29.07.16 Dare De Villo S. & Moan L., ...Perfit!!!  "Guns Forever"!!! ...I had no idea that You artistickle types--- Andy Warhol & the Mona Liza understood what Merikah was really all about.  Youse guys can see Merikah for  what it really is.   The bad news is that Hillaree isa coming after your guns. The good news  is Obomber never really got around to it & there is still time left to shoot somebody of your choice like it sez in the constiltwoshun . Like it sez on official United States Postage: "Guns Forever"!!!. Sincelery, Richard Canard


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