A Blog for Jon Foster Take me To Your Leader

Mail Art Received First Week of February 2011

Jon was a very active IUOMA member, now he's a little quiet.  But I guess the beginning of the year stuff gets everyone on the trot.  This FAB tape transfer card of the Alexandrian Crowd - its SO going into the book Jon, so you DID contribute :-)

OF COURSE there's later - thats one of the wonderful gifts of life.

I wish EVERYONE sent apology letters like this :-) Thank you Jon.


Mail Art received second week January 2011

While floods and rain devastate  Queensland  and Brisbane Australia, Jon sent me, in fact all of us, a  reminding card.

Lets remember all those who are currently enduing this act of nature and those who have suffered extreme loss.  And let us remember how small we are in the face of true power.


Mail Art Received 6th December 2010
A man of few words, Jon gave me none.

O, except Red Red Red Red Red Red Red etc - Its a good idea to chant it to an African beat that. Gets the blood going.

Thanks Jon - appreciated as always :-)

Mail Art Received 22nd November 2010.
I am one of the lucky recipients of Jon's student mail art - the name unfortunately has been obliterated by my address - but might it be Andrea? . Its a great card which I am very pleased to own - good formal qualities (great composition and tonal values), and very well made - its survived the trip to South Africa unscathed. Thanks Andrea - your card is great - keep up the good work, and Jon - high five with this idea for your students.

I can read some of the text on the back "who dream and are ready to pay the price" - nice!

Mail Art Received first week in November.
I received another of Jon's quirky cards - great one too! I had to wonder if he was asking Catwoman, himself or me the question:

Got a story to share Jon????? I'm still smiling over this - thanks! This blog is now open for a whole NEW set of discussions....

Mail Art received 22nd October 2010

Sorry about the repetitive nature of my blog posts, but I am trying to get one artists work on one blog - I don't know if that is going to change with the new month though!

I received this party mood card from Jon -

Serendipitously, this card came hot on the heels of me being posted as the all you need party planner - no problem - I need a party - shall we hold one at the Global Village?
Bearing in mind my weird sensibilities with interpretive skills, I asked Jon what his card meant - he wrote:

"'I'm not really sure what the card means, or if it has any meaning. The things I enjoy to make are the things that make me smile, cards with little jokes, little puns, and generally just little things.

I try not to think about them to hard, I just put a bit of my personality in them and move them along.

Can't wait for your next mail." Its on its way today Jon! Thanks for the card - I LUV!

Mail Art received 9th October

After sending out his call, Jon, posted and posted and posted. And I received one of his "I spent all day making...who wants one". Jon, are you the swashbuckling, bearded hero saving the distressed damsel from marauding Vikings? I will have to find a pertinent answer to this one! Or do you have one for me - CAN you DO please... Thank you - watch your post box.

Views: 33


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Comment by De Villo Sloan on December 9, 2010 at 12:11pm
Jon's new work never ceases to amaze. He has a minimalist side, and it's used to advantage here. Catch as catch can - never by choice as "I would prefer not to" with all the others :(
Comment by De Villo Sloan on November 23, 2010 at 11:30am
Hi Cheryl, I remember when Jon first wrote about getting his students involved in mail-art - it's neat to see the results.
Comment by cheryl penn on November 8, 2010 at 7:04pm
Hey Jon - I KNOW what you say about your work - I'm keeping my interpretation today! (Its one of the few good ones I had!!) :Looking forward to your students work - I will keep them busy! Thanks for sending to me.
Comment by jon foster on November 8, 2010 at 1:56pm
The second card is much like the last one, just a collection of stuff.

A quick story about the images though, I bought a big box of stuff newspaper clippings and what not at a local consignment store for a couple of dollars. Most of the stuff was from the 50's or 60's, things I guess intended for a scrapbook. They looked nice together, and that's about it.

Cheryl, I have something from my students to send out tomorrow.
Comment by cheryl penn on October 11, 2010 at 7:29pm
In the post tomorrow x
Comment by jon foster on October 11, 2010 at 2:51am
Hey there, I'm glad that you got what I sent out, I've only heard from a few people about the many, many, many things I've put out there. Not sure which character I am, hopefully the Kirk Douglass Viking.

I can't wait to receive something.


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