My mail art to Lady L sent on July 2011

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1cgqtuoblpeqc Comment by 1cgqtuoblpeqc on August 3, 2011 at 3:16pm

i don't know much about art really.

i only started making art on a regular basis around february!

i used to write poetry instead, but i never went to school for it.

according to standardized tests, i'm very much a math and science brained person,

and i originally went to school for computer science and have been in and out

several times at several schools but am still only a college freshman!!! ;-D


i can't say i enjoy to travel nearly as much as you,

but i have been to a lot of different states in the past.

mostly i stay home or if i go out, i only go as far as a skateboard will take me!

1cgqtuoblpeqc Comment by 1cgqtuoblpeqc on August 3, 2011 at 3:12pm

yes, my wife goes to University of Iowa.

here is a recent mail art i sent the financial aid office for her (with her forms enclosed):

Comment by Tomoe N on August 3, 2011 at 3:08pm

Yes, I am now trying to return mail art back so I am posting here, but I am also not too active here in IUOMA, because I am trying to sell other art that I made at school and I am more interested in making traditional/contemporary art than just mailing each other. But I know about mail art, because I also went to San Francisco Art Institute a bit and learned about Fluxus and 60', 70' American conceptual art, so I do enjoy the concept of mail art too.

I think I am with there idea, I want to go forward with book art and collage that I have learned from them.

Comment by Tomoe N on August 3, 2011 at 3:02pm

I do know pamela but I just know from IUOMA and also her facebook. Maybe next time I go to San Fran, I will try to see her then.

Yes, I fist went to San Fran (from I received my scholarship from AAU) I did not know anybody. But now I know many people there street vendors, art teachers etc. Some people in the city are snoby or not friendly, but basically I think people in San Francisco are friendly. I think book artists are friendly, and it is easy to get to know, even foreigner like me. Maybe some people are interested in Japan and Japanese culture and stationaries for making art. I heard that Pamela also has been to Japan.


Actually I used to go to IOWA long time ago. My mother used to teach English at home, and she leads exchange students for summer, and she used to stay with a professor of University of IOWA, so later my father and me went there too.

1cgqtuoblpeqc Comment by 1cgqtuoblpeqc on August 3, 2011 at 2:41pm

do you also know pamela gerard?

i know they see each other once in a while.

she is a good friend of mine, and we exchange mail and comments often! ;-D


it makes me jealous i don't live in san francisco because it sounds like they all are so friendly there!

1cgqtuoblpeqc Comment by 1cgqtuoblpeqc on August 3, 2011 at 2:39pm


yes, she is still active, but not so much here on IUOMA.

i got two mailings from her this last month:

Comment by Tomoe N on August 3, 2011 at 2:28pm
Yes, Jennie Hinchcliff is/was my teacher at AAU. (^_^)
1cgqtuoblpeqc Comment by 1cgqtuoblpeqc on August 3, 2011 at 12:58pm

jennie hinchcliff??

or is there another jennie in SF? ;-D


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