From Jen Staggs (USA)

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Comment by Thom Courcelle on August 17, 2011 at 5:34am
I TOTALLY get Knitter's Shoulder--thank goodness you diagnosed that term!  I don't know how you all can take that heat you've been experiencing.  I wish I could ship you some of Seattle's moderate weather and cool sea breezes!
Comment by Jen Staggs on August 17, 2011 at 5:25am
Awww!  Thanks Thom!!  Glad you liked it!  I enjoyed making it for you.  Also- I spent the whole day knitting, inspired by your amazing designs.  It's been so long since I picked up needles- my arm might fall off.  I think I have Knitter's Shoulder- a medical affliction much like Tennis Elbow that I just made up.  It's all part of my "Wishful Knitting" method of wanting snow and wool scarves instead of heat and flip-flops.  Today was so hot if felt like I was sitting in a kiln.  Best to stay indoors and make more art!!  Thank you again for putting up pics!!


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