Ruud Janssen




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I like communication, art, paper, painting and concepts. The ideal combination for doing Mail-Art. Worked with rubberstamps as a child and started sending out letters as soon as I could write. Discovered that it was called mail-art in 1980. Have been discovering ever since and in the last years also promoting this free cultural exchange.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
TAM-Publications - P.O. Box 1055
4801 BB BREDA - N E T H E R L A N D S

Comment Wall:

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  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    Grazie! sono onorato! 

    Thank you! I'm honored!

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

  • David Repunto

  • Tiina Kainulainen

    12th April, 2018 Mail Art Moo by Tiina from Finland for Ruud Janssen in The Netherlands #mailart #drawings #mailartcow

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Ruud,

    Mail on it's way to you!

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    Ciao Ruud, W IUOMA E W LA MAIL ART::: SEMPRE!!!!  ti abbraccio , b

  • Moan Lisa

    You can keep your museum relics, I'm after the meaning of it all.
  • Moan Lisa my girlfriend Maria in Mexico says she is still waiting authorization to join after quite a few days.
  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    Carissimo Ruud, visto che mi è arrivata una risposta un po' secca da un membro di IUOMA, ti chiedo se mi sto muovendo in modo sbagliato, se infastidisco... ecco la risposta ricevuta"  brinkinfield left a comment for Bruno Cassaglia

    "Could you just fuck off Bruno? Your continual trawling of IUOMA members, frankly, is creepy. No one is interested in you or your blog, at least no more so than their choice of socks to wear in the morning. Accept it, give it up, do something…"  ti sarei molto grato se mi dessi un consiglio... non so più cosa fare... un fraterno abbraccio . b
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    29 July 2018:

    Happy birthday, Ruud!

  • Clemente Padin

    How are you, dear friend...! sincerely,

  • Kim Bateau

    I hope I am leaving this in the correct spot. Thank you, the URL has been removed.

  • Kim Bateau

    Hello, thank you for the Welcome.

  • Clemente Padin

    How are you dear Ruud, thanks for your words...! You are great...!

  • Babett

    Hallo Ruud, thanks for welcome me:-))) I will send you something ! Greetings

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Ruud, thanks for welcome me.

    I sent you a collage to the specified address.

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    ti invio una cartolina. un abbraccio , bruno

  • The Artful Writer

    Thank you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday, Ruud!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Had trouble getting to IUOMA ning, but all seems ok now!


  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Hi Ruud.  I received a snail mail today that says. 


    End of May


    Love of my life, my wife, Nat Uhing, died suddenly in her sleep 2 months ago.  Autopsy revealed there was nothing wrong with her.  She was 45.

    I have no access to her lap top, I can´t open any of her accounts without passwords.  I keep getting piles of letters from IUOMA.

    Could you please, spread the word that Nat Quintos Uhing died so people don´t get angry when they will receive no return letters.  Thanks . 

    (unreadable text) 4325-319

    Loris Larsen

    PO Box 1032

    Parap 0804 NT



     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nat was not a IUOMA member.  I received a mail art from Nat last March and sent back another one.  That has been all my contact with her.  The sender address is Nat´s.  I have no idea what to do at this time.  Do you?

  • Cherub Ayers

    Mail in the post for you!

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    Ciao Ruud, come avrai notato, io posto molte immagini sui miei gruppi, se fossero troppe e fosse un problema dimmelo. un fraterno abbraccio , Bruno


    Hi Ruud, as you may have noticed, I put many pictures on my groups, if they were too many and it was a problem tell me. a fraternal embrace, Bruno


  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    11 anni?  W IUOMA!!!  W RUDD!!!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday! :-)

  • Mail Art Martha

    A big hug for you! You are doing a great job here, IUOMA keeps me sane.

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    Hi Ruud, let me know if you are fine as I work on IUOMA, otherwise I take note of it and stop, a fraternal hug Bruno.

    Ciao Ruud, fammi sapere se ti va bene come lavoro su IUOMA, in caso contrario ne prendo atto e smetto, un fraterno abbraccio Bruno.

  • Richard BAUDET

    for the call  " il faut cultiver votre jardin " , that you posted on August 13th ..........

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)


  • Mel Anie

    Hi Ruud, Most of the images on this ning won't display for me on either Safari or Chrome. I can't send messages either and I can't sign out. I don't know what the problem is. Thanks, Mel Anie.
  • Mel Anie

    Hi Ruud, I tried to use other devices. Same problem on phone but on another laptop it can't connect to the site. Says IUOMA ning is taking too long to respond. All other websites are working fine so I don't think it's my internet either.
  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi Ruud, sorry to come again with my problems to you but I worry that you may be paying for a certificate that does not work anymore.
    Since last week nearly all the illustrations are gone again and I tried to open IUOMA in my phone it told me the site was 'unsecure'
    In My Photos Album 'Heeeeelp!are the screens I got on the phone.
    This is the only way I managed to contact you. The symbol to attach graphics to messages has gone too so I could not attach the photos here. It worked two days ago even if the photos did not.Is it only for me?
  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    me thinks someone has a birthday today?

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    Hi Ruud, a friend of mine Maristella De Giuseppe, tries to register, but she can't, can you help her? thank you! a fraternal embrace; b

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hello Ruud,

    I hope you are well and have survived all the Covid waves.

    I have been sent information about the 'Mail Art Wave 2022', and am unsure what to do about it, and so would like to hear your views on it.

    It seems to be some sort of rival network to IUOMA -- to which my first loyalty lies.

    I could join in the 'wave', but not if it is jeapordises the position of IUOMA in the Mail Art world.

    With that, I wave, and say, goodbye;

    Regards, Val

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    Mail Art in partenza per Ruud Janssen!

    Mail Art leaving for Ruud Janssen!

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Happy, Ruud!

  • Juan Petry

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Ruud, happy birthday to You!

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    I feel the duty to thank Ruud Janssen for the spaces he grants here on IUOMA. Thanks Ruud.

  • Domenico Ferrara Foria

  • Predrag Petrovic

  • Predrag Petrovic

    hey Ruud, Please stop the flooding and block malicious content. Thanx, Cheers

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    M.A. in partenza per Rudd Janssen!!!

  • Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist

    Dear Friend, I repeat, that with IUOMA
    you have created your own Great Work! that hosts
    us with great freedom! I hope to always be there
    worthy. a fraternal hug, Bruno Cassaglia