Carla Cryptic


Richmond, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I have always loved exchanging art with other artists in my own country and around the world because it makes it possible for us to share our creations without having to do it through the gallery system. It stimulates self-expression and creates community while giving us all a way to get our art into the world.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Carla Cryptic
PO Box 1274
Berkeley, CA 94701-1274

Comment Wall:

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  • Fazil Hussain Mousavi

    Dear Carla Cryptic.

    Thanks a lot for sending me the card. I hope we will be in-contact.



    Fazil Mousavi

  • M. Chila (Michila) Caldera

    Hi, Carla!  I want to change my name to something shorter, maybe just Michila Caldera. Can't see a way to do it.

    Olá Carla, obrigada pela atenção. Espero trocar muitas ideias...e você. Abraço!
  • Lee Caligiuri

    Thank you for the warm welcome Carla! It has been a very long time since I've exchanged any kind of creativeness with anyone else...seems I tend to keep it to myself for the most part, though I used to do it often.


  • crisispanty

    Thanks for the welcome! I'm most excited about the slew of mailartists I will get to connect with through this site. Hope to have something in the mail very soon!
  • iheartmailart

    Hi Carla,

    I'm a newbie on IUOMA, so I'm going to ask you a really stupid question, but I need to know before I get started!  Please define 'mailart' as it applies to IUOMA.  Is the mailart what you do with the envelope you send or is it what's inside the envelope, or both?  I just want to be sure I'm 'doing it right'!  I don't want to let anyone down when I send out my art....please help!   Thanks! 

  • iheartmailart

    Thanks for the info, Carla...I appreciate it.  I think I have a better understanding of what is expected of me, now!  I look forward to receiving your mailart!  And I will get to work right away at something for you!  :)


  • Sandra Granthon

    Ohh, mail art is coming... yeahhh! I have yours ready to mail out tomorrow. Hope you like it I had fun making it today.
  • Kokabella

    Hi Carla, I'd love to exchange mail art with you too! Thank you for the welcome! I'm so glad I found IUOMA!
  • Dorothy Ann Morris

    Thanks for the welcome Carla... still finding my way round this site.... a bit in awe at present!

    Dorothy (Welsh woman)

  • Jackie

    oh, to have your 'so much mail per week' type problems! i cant even log in to post the stuff i receive! one day, one day. i think i received the second of your cards the other day!
  • Sandra Lefever

    I got your letter today. Thank you! And yay for mail! I dig your artistamps, btw. Now I'm inspired to make more stuff. Damn you, Father Time!
  • Walter Rovere

    thanks! I'm SLOW ("there are no slow geniuses", picasso warned!), but I'll do send..
  • Deanna Fountain

    Hi C~  Sorry about the confusion with my membership...didn't know...why?  Because I can be a bonehead sometimes :)....Now....just so you know...I have received your beautiful art stamps and insert...Thank You !  You are only my 2nd contributor to my new mail art collection.  Noting your name change...did you recently get married??  Ie: Patterson?  This mail art thing is a lot of fun and forces me to be more creatively busy...I'm loving it !  You are probably thinkin'  is there a return piece of mailart from me?....of course !  Thanks again !
  • Vasco Torres

    Dear Carla thanks for all the kind words you  say bellow.

    I want please that you tell me the way to insert one code (to show the number of visits in my site) in the HTML.

    It´s only insert, but where?

    Best regards

    Vasco Torres

  • Helen Clarkson

    Hello Carla, thanks so much for the welcome and the advice. Yes, I've passed on the info to Daniel. I'm not sure why the gallery URL isn't working, maybe I just mistyped it, it's or if you google A&D Gallery Chiltern Street London it should appear. How would you like to receive the info re. our 'Mail Art - Post Ray Johnson' exhibition? Looking forward with anticipation to receiving your work. Very best wishes Helen x
  • iheartmailart

    Carla!!  I received your lovely mailart today!  Thank you soooo much!  Love love love your artistamps!  That is something new that I will have to attempt!  I will happily return the generosity and send you some mailart for your post box......mucho gracias, amigo!  :)
  • Deanna Fountain

    CC~ The soft block prints of trees are fantastic....I'm going to go google it now...not quite sure what Soft block is....Thanks for posting them on my page :)
  • Danielle Maret Williams

    Hi Carla, thank you for your warm welcome. I'm quite excited to be a part of this.
    It's a far more detailed site than I imagined. Might take a little while to get my head around it all.
    That's all ok though. Thanks again.
  • Vasco Torres

    Hi Carla Cryptic

    Thank you so much for all the information that you send to me about counter. Now i hope to achieve this subject to get better function for my site.


    Thanks so much


    Best regards


    Vasco Torres

  • Franis

    Hi Carla, - Where I live in Hawaii is on the north end of the Big Island of Hawaii. I can see Maui when I drive down the hill - I live in the saddle between two volcanoes; Kohala & Mauna Kea. 
    Hey! I am so stoked that I've already been sent something cool in the mail!! This seems to be a fantastically fun place already...thanks for working with it...
  • Franis

    That was a sweet thing you sent me Carla - Mahalo nui loa!
    What was it that you sealed it with?  I just made something I wanted to send out, but I have to glue it to a larger piece - and it would be nice if it had the same covering on it.
  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    Still coming up! in the 3th january this year according to the Chinese traditional calendar.
  • Deanna Fountain

    Hi Carla~ I'm sending you a preview of my Y O T R mail....hopefully I'll be able to finish and send to you. By the way, I can't remember if you mentioned receiving my mailart to you entitled "Meet the Pattersons"?  I know that September was an extremely busy month for you so I was waiting until October to mention it?  Please let me know when you can, okay?  It's in the mail-faithfully yours, Deanna Fountain


  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    last night, i read the book of zodiac, according to the 五行(wu xing)and the represent animals for each year, you are the golden rabbit and i am the fire rabbit, what a interesting thing:D
  • Xtina Solano

    hi carla 

    did you see all my messages? how can i contact fran?\


  • Carla Cryptic

    If you have received spam recently attributed to my email address, please read the attached file!  I suffered a browseby attack and, although it is fixed now, lots of people have asked me what it was, how to avoid it, and what to do if it happens to them.  So, I asked my husband to help me write something up about it since he's a systems and security guy.  Hope this helps and apologies to anyone who got spam saying it was from me!  Security%20issues%20%E2%80%93%20and%20suggestions%20%E2%80%93%20reg...

  • Deanna Fountain

    :)  TY forletting me know you got the rice hee hee....BTW ....I took that photo of the rabbit and Bellagio, Las Vegas, NV this January past...we were there to attend a family friends wedding.   I love to go for long walks with the camera just to see what I can find in my lens there. LV , not a fav place of mine ...but it's great for photography :)

    Best Regards,


  • Deanna Fountain

    Hi Carla

    Yes, that's all vegas used to be smokers, takers, glitz, glam and gamblin but today it has so much more to's just a weekend to me..not a vaca....the newest resorts don't even have casino's in them if you can believe that!  There are must see's when you go...Hoover Dam, Mandalay Aquarium, Caesars Palace white(Albino) Bengal Tigers, I love all the vintage , junk restoration, slots, neons, costume, e-sale/consignment thrift shoppes the hook.  Even to go to the Neon Junkyard is a photoshoot to die for.

    You must see Belagio and the Wynn / Encore Resorts...the shoppin is off the hook (but expendsive)  so I window Bellagio there's a Candy/Bakery Store called Jean Phillipe Patisserie...they have a chocolate faountain, ceiling to floor that display's melted chocolat/fudge cascading rom one crystal dish to another all at the same time...purported to be the largest of it's kind in the world  and....there is a Dale Chihuly store (Hand blown glass sculptures) that has been there since day addition, the hotel lobby check in are ceiling is covered in his work and is a permanent collection to serve as a cover for the lighting...takes my breath away every time  I see it...anyway, if you can't go next month here's a few links to enjoy  :)  Jean Phillipe Patisserie Choc Fntn.    Dale Chihuly Shoppe....does'nt do the ceiling justice but if you look at the site I'm sure there's photos of it perhaps in the resort photo gallery

    Bye for now C

    Have a fab week what's left of it.


  • Susanna Lakner

    Hello Carla,

    i´ll send you some rabbits! :-)


  • Kokabella

    Carla, thanks so much for the art postcard. Can you please send me your address? I have something to mail you in return! Thank you!
  • Kokabella

    Oh geez. Yes, it sure was! I was looking for handwriting!
  • Franis

    Hi Carla - did you get anything from me yet in the mail?
  • Ashazart

    Hi Carla, I just saw the comment you left me about the address list. Sorry to have missed your address posted in the address thread. I have it in the worksheet now, so you should be good to go.



    Cynthia (Ashazart)


  • Ellen Quint

    thanks !! You are the person who introduced me to mail art - after all!!! lots of love!
  • Walter Rovere

    sent via email.. only, I'm wondering: the Iuoma site is great, but arent' we, by publishing the pictures of the mail art works the same day we sent them, spoiling the surprise that should come from opening the mailbox, and, more substantially, altering the  response process that, ideally at least, should arise from actually seeing/touching the work, here substituted by a digital image?
  • Walter Rovere

    Oops, it must be the Facebook syndrome... I'll try to resist nex time!
  • Ellen Quint

    Carla...thanks!!!Already thinking of a rabbit postcard or two!!! hope to get somethings out soon to wishes for a wonderful 60th!!!


    love, Ellen

  • rodnidotcom

    nice to see another person from the forgotten kingdom...

    finally got these up...

  • Danielle Maret Williams

    Hi Carla, thanks for the postcard! Postcard heading back to you tomorrow!


  • Danielle Maret Williams

    Hi Carla, Thanks for the Mail!

    Postcard heading back to you tomorrow!


  • yves maraux

    dear carla your sound poetry is rather visual !

    rating agency cryptic do you say AAA

  • Thomas Pratt

    hi Carla, thank you for the neighborly mail art. I really appreciate the Gagarin postage stamp. I am also a stamp collector. I enjoyed looking at your pictures and see that you are well liked be many friends. I will try to share some of my mail art with you too. be well,


  • yves maraux

    dear Carla this is my triptic :

    don't you say

    on Oct 9  in La mia croce sia con voi... Hahahahaha! ...

    when Standard & Poor's, Moody's et Fitch where telling me AAA

  • This Window

    -- that sounds (no pun intended) like a plan --
  • Mail Art Martha

    Thank you Carla, very encouraging. I have been very lazy for a long time but now I am trying to improve my page. Could you explain to me how can I change the background? I have looked all over in the page for a clue to no avail.
  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Carla, your card posted september I believe, finally arrived las friday after a 28 days strike of the brazilian post.  What you wrote on the card made my day.  Thank you so much.  A celestial hummingbird fliyng over ZIP 94701 may be a signal that something from Republik van Patland, the mythical piece of land from where this celestial scribe operates from, is bringing something to you.  Keep me posted !  



  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

  • Marcela Peral

    Thank you Carla for your beautifull postcard and poem "This mouth is mine"!!!

    See it in my blog:

    I´ll be sending sothing to you soon. Regards!!!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thanks Carla, that's a great help. It leads me to think that i) I can send everyone an email saying that their Envelope has been safely received, and then at the end of the Exhibition ii) something  via the post (a postcard or a 'thank you collage' listing all the contributors. Unless I can solve the 'this is what we've got so far in the Exhibition problem' that will have to do.

    Merci beaucoup! Val