Lorraine Kwan

Ottawa Ontario


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
"An artist may be a lone wolf. She may occasionally run with the pack. Most often she is happy foraging on her own. She may be wily and alert to opportunity. She may know that adventure can bring out her best. There are times when she's out for blood. There are also times when she's as playful as a puppy." from description of an artist by Robert Genn
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
#305, 10 Rosemount Ave
Ottawa, ON
K1Y 4G9

Comment Wall:

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  • Peter Dowker

    When I was a little boy I had a book about a little tugboat that went on a similar journey. (it was one of favorites and I probably still have it somewhere)
    That was the original fascination with flipflops. When I'd pick them up while beachcombing I'd wonder...where did this come from, from how far away, how long has it been floating around, who did it belong to?
    They probably float around for years before washing ashore.
    Thanks again.
  • Medwolf

    your second card landed today..thank you for another chair where ole zack sat..have posted it on my site...will send you something wicked good real soon..keep smiling
  • Peter Dowker

    Hi Lorraine,
    I received the Mara for DC thing also. Francais for lemon is citron. Limon is Spanish.
    Have a nice day.
  • Test Tower

    Hi Lorraine, I sent you something Feed-me-ish Saturday morning, but just now I was looking at a copy of what I sent and I was horrified to find that I didn't include Vancouver or B.C. on the address! Ugh! Think it will make it to you? Now it seems that another aspect to Mail Art is suspense!
  • Test Tower

    Yeah, the code is on it. Have fun on your Holiday and I'll check with you subsequently. Wish I was going on Holiday!
  • Test Tower

    Glad to hear it arrived okay Lorraine. I was curious about that. Bon Appetite my cool friend. Hope your holiday was fun.
  • RJ - Moderator

    on its way to you....
  • yves maraux


    bon dieu ! trop tard pour POSTAL ART CALL - FEED ME
  • yves maraux


    FEED me : the 9/11 twins hotdogs
  • Peter Dowker

    Indeed I did. Came in yesterday and was posted on my blog last night. Thanks a lot!! I'd seen that image sometime ago but had totally forgotten about it. It will be hung not archived .
  • Peter Dowker

    sad boot.
  • andytgeezer

    I'll drop one in the post for you tomorrow night. Enjoy and thanks!

  • andytgeezer

    I could do but that wouldn't be very mailart and it's quite hard to display on my REAL wall if it's electronic. I'll drop one in the post for you this weekend
  • Judy Skolnick

    Thanks for the documentation, the table looks great.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Good to be your friend, Lorraine,
    and many thanks fro sending to SKETBE.
    I'll be sure to let you know when your art
    arrives in Greece! thanks so much,
  • Berube

    Hey Lorraine - Thanks for the pic, I love it!!! :0)
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hi Lorraine,
    Many thanks for sending your art to Greece.
    It has arrived at the SKETBE office and they like it very much!
    Your name has been added to the participants' list on my page.
    Thank you soooo much!
  • Bruno Chiarlone

    Hello Bruno
    What is the subject for this project?
    Grazie mille
    Lorraine Kwan

    Hello Lorraine,
    the subject is free.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Have a nice Thanksgiving Weekend, Lorraine!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Excellent, Lorraine, you can have TWO Thanksgiving feasts!
    I miss US Thanksgiving: turkey and sweet potatoes and all that.
    We do not have a Harvest Feast here in Greece, BIG feast is Easter!
    We will have "October holidays" on Oct. 26 and 28th, and this
    year that means a looooong 5-day weekend here in Thessaloniki. YEAH! Hoping the lovely sunshine weather holds to be able to get
    to the seaside.
    all the best,
  • andytgeezer

    Thanks for the pimped photo Lorraine! It's now featured on my REAL wall
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    hi Lorraine!
    Thank you very much for your beautiful colourful bubbles...!!
    They are already posted here:
    Have a nice weekend!
  • Carlos I. Botana

    Subject: Octopus...

    Collective book of mail art.

    Send 18 works of size 14.8 X 21 cm (A5 vertical), numbered and signed,
    for making up a series of volumes with different artists in each. Each
    volume will contain a minimum of 14 artworks, one per artist. Modify
    each copy in order to make them unique originals. All techniques:
    printings, drawings, paintings, photographs, collages...

    Each participant will receive a volume.

    Deadline: october, 2010.

    Send your art works to:

    Carlos Botana
    General Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 A Coruña
    Galicia - España/Spain


    Carlos Botana
  • yves maraux

  • yves maraux

    i was'nt psychologising ; as words creator i was just looking for semcluster ;
    this two are dedicated to you :
    GUIGNOLITUDE ( >les guignols , a tv political puppet show > /attitude/)
    la toilité > la toile = the web / l'actualité
    let's finneganise
  • Wolfgang Skodd

    Hello Lorraine!
    I like your Barbies in Art and I will publish them on my Blog.
    Please have a look at: http://bananaunderground.blogspot.com/ and enjoy.
    This is an X-Ray-Barbie from Satre Stuelke, hope you like it.
    Greetings - Wolfgang.

  • Medwolf

    have a sweet mail art christmas my friend

  • Samantha Bragg

    well the good news is i am real! haha i bet that comes as a relief i didn't mean to catch you off guard its just this is so new to me i dont know exactly how to go about approaching things sometimes! But thanks for the site i'll definitely have to check it out and read up on this new phenomenon called mail art! Happy holidays to you and your family! god bless
  • Lorraine Kwan

    I'm planning a Surprise for your mailbox.
  • Samantha Bragg

    Thanks Lorraine! I'm excited! I'll let you know when I get it and be sure to opost it on here- I'm sure it'll inspire something exciting to send your way- :)
  • Carlos I. Botana

  • Elizabeth Mary Dismorr

    Thankyou so much for sending me the father christmas phobia card. I'm sorry i haven't written to thank you before. It's is quite a jem for the collection I have so far. I hope you have a really Merry Christmas in Vancouver. I bet there's lots of lovely snow over there, and don't get too scared of santa when he visits you tonight!
  • Samantha Bragg

    thanks lorraine ill be looking out for it and let you know when it gets here im excited!
  • virginia milici (virgy)

    Lorraine Thanks you much for Mailart i recevied Christmas Kissese.i love it.
    ;) al best 2010 virgy
  • Judy Skolnick

    Hi Lorraine, the post is on artistampnews.com from VSA arts in Washington, DC the card is 6" x 9" dealing with however you interpret the word disability. The address is on the site, due February 5.
  • Judy Skolnick

    Happy, Healthy and Artfilled 2010

  • Judy Skolnick

    Thanks, when they have the show here I plan to go and take photos of it.
  • Samantha Bragg

    Hello Lorraine!! I just wanted to let you know I finally got your mail art friday and I was absolutely thrilled! It seemed like forever as I was waiting eagerly haha That's really cool how you did that.. I need to consider using postcards I'll be sending you something soon!
  • andytgeezer

    Yes Elena loves it and I think it may stay on the REAL wall for a while yet. Looks like the council have decided to back off so perhaps I won't need to send Spidey in after all. It will be interesting to see what new adventures I can get up to now that I have stopped causing trouble!
  • Test Tower

    Hi Lorraine. I thought that was Margaret. I love hats and hat makers and find that quite fascinating for some reason. Famous Hat designer Amy Downs moved from Manhattan to little ol' Centralia, WA a few years ago and is selling her beautiful hand made Hats in the same store I have some Art for sale. She is very cool and fun to know. I was wondering if Margaret had ever heard of her?
  • Test Tower

    Lucy and Ethel in Mame Ike hats! That hilarious vision of you and Margaret will entertain my mind for a while. Sounds like you guys are not strangers to having a lot of fun. Be seeing you in the mail my friend

    A tribute for the city of Portogruaro through a project involving art through mail. The keywords chosen as the theme are the motif of its foundation, joined in a common flow.

    border between earth and water,
    the river harbor and the trade routes,
    the channels and the gardens of the palaces,
    a constant reference to a change in system, material and colour.

    not only of goods but also of colours and scents,
    artistic and architectural influences,
    mutual knowledge, therefore culture.

    a condition of consent expressed in gesture, the conclusion of an agreement,
    a trace superimposed on many others:
    whose meaning is beyond the sum of the parts.

    Project by Rizoo Group, Tiziana Baracchi and Pro Loco di Portogruaro
    Format and dimension of work:
    square of maximum size 21 X 21 cm
    No e-mail

    No returns, no jury, no fee, no sales

    Exhibition in Portogruaro, 2010
    documentation online: www.rizoo.altervista.org
    info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com – aurogentile@tiscali.it

    Deadline to be received March 31, 2010

    Send to:

    Proloco di Portogruaro
    via Cavour 33
    30026 Portogruaro (VE) - ITALY
  • Lorraine Kwan

    I will turn it Dibbi-San! It is beautiful either way. I can't find a translation for this other than characters so sound this out phonetically and I am sure you will get it - O-Hi-O-Ga-Zi-Mus dosankodebbie from the land of the golden mountain. Rrainy
  • Kim JungYoun

    I enjoyed the video of Mail Art Olympix.
    It's just great!
  • Medwolf

    CALL | Regina ATC | Regina ATC Celebrates 7 years; Show us your stuff! | MAR 31

    Submit 6 of your best cards by March 31, 2010 to: ATC Celebrates
    7, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 3475 Albert St., Regina, SK. Canada S4S 6X6.

    Please include: 1. Self-addressed & stamped, return-envelope 2.
    Brief statement: tell us a little about yourself & discuss your
    techniques and tools, and your image content 3. How to reach you:
    contact information and e-mail (so we can send you an invites & e-
    vites to the display)

    All cards submitted will be displayed in the Learning Centre at the
    MacKenzie Art Gallery; Please tell us if you DONT want your work
    to posted on the web. Opening reception: Sat April 25, 2pm.
    Display Closing: August 2010, when you will receive 6 trades
    mailed back!
  • Medwolf

  • Wolfgang Skodd

    ...at the Burning Man Festival?
  • Wolfgang Skodd

    Very beautiful, thank you so much.
  • Wolfgang Skodd

    I found this one in Stefanie Hackl's Barbie Art Calendar:

  • Wolfgang Skodd