RJ - Moderator




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Communication & Creativity is what makes life interesting.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Ruud Janssen

the P.O. Box I used will be closed after 31-12-2024

Comment Wall:

  • Gik Juri

    Oh, second Ruud!
  • Ruud Janssen

    seems like accidentely I typed a different e-mail address and cloned myself.
  • Carla Cryptic

    Ruud part deux

    Ruud the II
  • Van M. Cagle, Ph.D.

    Thanks Rudd,
    This is a fantastic Website, wonderfully put together. I am glad to be a member. I also enjoy your Facebook posts. Today I added a "promotional document" that provides the basics on a book and several book chapters that I have written. I hope you have time to look at it.

    Thanks again.

  • Van M. Cagle, Ph.D.

    This may seem like a really crazy question. I am wondering if the majority of mail artists that you know or have dealt with would consider themselves to be working class. Self identified that is. I am starting to get a much clearer picture of mail art, and my theoretical background is in cultural studies. One concern of cultural studies is that "everyday people" disrupt the common authoritative systems of power. Mail artists certainly do this. Secondarily if they are from working class backgrounds the assumption is that their art might be a "jab" at hegemony. Let me know when you have a chance. I'd like to know if there is a way to determine all of this, because Jim wants a book that has a great deal of theory.
  • Ruud Janssen

    The Mail-Artists must be the working class since it is a lot of work and no real pay. Maybe a little research with a questionaite would prove that. Not sure if mail-artists consider themselves other. Interesting thoughts indeed!
  • Claudio Romeo

  • Abby Salazar

    Thanks so much...looking forward to the ride!!!
  • Bruno DANIELE

    Hello Ruud,
    thanks a lot!!!
  • Jenny de Groot

    Thanks Ruud :-)
  • Jenny de Groot

    Hey Ruud, kun je het font op de main page niet veranderen please? Die Comic Sans doet pijn aan de oogjes ;-)
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Ruud
    I am still a bit clumpsy with the geography of the site but I am really enjoying the amazing creative energy this place has and the great art produced. Really stimulating!
    You have done an excellent job with the website and for all artmail artists…thank you for accepting the friendship.

  • Henning Mittendorf

    Dear Ruud, some days ago I joined your magnificent platform.
    In case I haven't contacted you till now, I will do so by this message. I am insecure, because I have had till now several contacts that I cannot trace back all, not least because I am not so fit in handling the pc, the IUOMA program etc. ...
    I think you do know what I want to express...
    If I haven't done so: I want to express my deep compliment for the great thing you have done in constructing this social network.
    I do not know/understand all its functions (up to now) and have to learn quite a lot.
    I think this is a big adventure for all the members!
    Thank you!
    All the best greetings
  • Peter Dowker

    Yes, I saw it on your blog, thanks.
    Mailart seems to have slowed for the summer so it will be welcome.
  • Bruno Chiarlone

    Immagini che hanno la traccia della scrittura, il potere misterioso della parola scritta che dà nome, dimensione, realtà, sostanza... Cruciverba in bozza dove è possibile cancellare e ri-scrivere, fare aggiunte e annotazioni ulteriori, tagliare e incollare, spostare brani come oggetti, blocchi di righe scritte e poi stampate sulla pagina che non si vede più, perché si corre lungo i solchi della scrittura, sovrapporre, inserire ex novo, in trasparenza, intercalare...
  • Rain Rien Nevermind

    ......FACE CAFE........
  • Lorraine Kwan

    Thanks Ruud
    I will be watching my mailbox,
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Thank you, Ruud!! Your envelope full of goodies has arrived...I love all the stamps!! I am finishing a rubber one I am working on...I'll let you know when I'll send you back the forms.
  • Evmorfia Ghika Rachouti

    Hello Ruud
    Thank you very much.
  • Dame Mailarta

    Thanks so much for the great mailing . .Love those envelopes of yours . . something went in the mail to you last week. Hope that I can get back to mailing again soon. With 2 fractured elbows from the accident I am limited in what I can do for awhile .. at least my fingers can work on the keyboard. All the best and I'll see you in the mail.

  • Donald Boyd

    Hey Ruud! I got your mail art.

    Mine is in process (not made yet) but in the mail soon. You'd better run and hide!
  • Denis Charmot

    Hi Ruud
    The mailart begin to leave IUOMA and are gradually replaced by spammers and artists who do not mailart. You should do a little housekeeping.
  • Denis Charmot

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    HELP dear Ruud!
    I am computer-handicapped and cannot get things done
    the way I wish them to be done.AACK! On"events" I have posted the mail art call for our MAIL ART 2009 GREECE,but each time I go to put in the "dates" ...which should be December 1-11 2009 Thessaloniki, Greece, the calendar only registers today's date and then the whole message is canceled if I try to put in December :~(
    What to do?
    Can you get there and correct it , edit it, whatever? Or else, I'll just keep posting the announcement daily?
    Woe is me,
  • Jenn Grosso

    thanks for the compliment, many more anatomical heart artistamps to come!
  • Bern Porter

    This is Bern Porter transcending space-time, speaking to you from the Institute for Advanced Thinking, thanking you for the remembrance.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    KALIMERA Ruud, Good morning!
    I really like your self-portrait on the way to the Acropolis,
    (so I added one "atop" the Acropolis! )It is a great group.

    Need to ask you: why did ning put up that annoucement:
    "Give.........a gift"?
    I went to details, and the "credits" mean that we will have to pay!
    Can we get this "commercial" erased from our pages please!
    Many thanks,
    Katerina in Greece
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    AACK! and there is another note at the bottom of each "comment" window:
    "Attach a gift to this comment"!
    Not good...not good at all :-(
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, ruud, the "gift" message is gone. It was misleading for those here who don't know English very well. They would have thought it just fun to give gifts...only to discover to pay!
    Well, ning can have some types of ads maybe on the main page or something on the side edges for those interested, I understand that they want to advertise if they give the site free.
    Thank you for clearing the "gift" mesage!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Kalimera Ruud,
    Thank you
    and have a nice day,