Dear Mail Art Family,

does anyone of you out there know of any projects or literature dealing with the connection of MAIL ART and ART PEDAGOGICS ? Maybe there are pedagogues who read these lines... and maybe someone of you already brought MAIL ART into the class room and to younger people ?

as becoming an art teacher, i would like to write my master thesis about my most beloved field of art: MAIL ART ! therefore i search for academic and proven information about the alliance of MAIL ART and ART PEDAGOGICS and it´s importance !!!

thanks a lot for your help !
best wishes from german countryside,
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    Ruud Janssen

    In the 80-ies I did teach some mail-art in classes here in the Netherlands.

    That is already decades ago.

    Did some lectures on mai-art at some art academies too, but that is also some years ago.

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      Vincent Wang

      Hi Mikula,

      we are organizing an International Student Mail Art Exhibition in December 2020 in Hong Kong. See if your students would like to join.

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        2nd High school of Messolonghi

        Hello there. I am not sure if we are able to help you. But as An English teacher, I decided to bring mail art in my class this year so apart from exchanging art, my high school students can interact with people from all over the world
