Guido Vermeulen's Comments

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At 7:35am on March 6, 2024, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Remembering Guido,

so dearly missed.

At 6:19am on March 7, 2023, Mail Art Martha said…

Those were the days! Guido and me during a walkabout with the Shopping Trolley Gallery in Beckenham High Street. Guido used to come to stay with me and we collaborated in many projects. We visited scores of bookshops as Guido always bought books to take back with him. I do miss him so much.

At 8:52am on March 6, 2023, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Remembering Guido...RIP.

At 12:27pm on November 10, 2022, patrick anderson-mcquoid said…

miss you

At 8:08pm on May 5, 2022, Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist said…
At 9:21pm on March 6, 2022, Nancy Bell Scott said…

That's a really nice piece, Kat. And it has some of Guido's style, probably not by accident? I still miss Guido, very much.

At 8:28pm on March 6, 2022, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Remembering Guido, 

At 2:49pm on August 2, 2021, Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist said…

Ciao Guido, come stai? è tanto che non ti sento su IUOMA, un fraterno abbraccio, b

At 2:46pm on September 23, 2020, Leonor Maass said…

Les mando un gran saludo para estos tiempos locos que nos tocan, sin haberlos elegido. Estoy ahora en Benalmàdena. Màlaga, ya varios meses. Vine de visita....y opte por quedarme, pensando que todo se iba a disipar con el tiempo. Menudo nudo con èl.- Extraño mi atelier, pensando  en el regreso incierto..repleto de incertidumbre. Muchos cariños a todos.

Y si, veo la luna reflejarse en el Mediterràneo, con las nubecitas flotando de mil maneras distintas, mientras la brisa besa suavemente las largas hojas de las palmeras. Y ese momento es tan dulce, que instantàneamente mi mente vuelve a enlazarse con lejanos recuerdos, imborrables, que hacen palpitar el corazòn..

At 7:55am on March 6, 2020, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Remembering Guido,

At 9:37pm on April 29, 2018, Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist said…
At 9:34am on March 6, 2018, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Remembering Guido,

his love of TREES!

At 2:02pm on April 11, 2017, CREATIVA said…

Proseguo con gli omaggi agli Artisti del circuito Mail Art ritornati al mittente. Oggi un Mail Artista belga Guido Vermeulen

At 9:58am on March 6, 2017, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Always remembered...r.i.p.

At 9:54pm on January 18, 2017, Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist said…

At 9:54pm on January 18, 2017, Bruno Cassaglia-poet@rtist said…
At 12:37am on November 14, 2016, Juan Carlos Vargas said…

I invite you to participate in

At 10:29pm on September 20, 2016, Celestino Neto said…
At 2:58am on June 1, 2016, Melanie Lucas said…

Hello.  I have been MIA for a few years.  I had some unfortunate circumstances in life.  I am ready to get back into sending random and fun pieces of mail to people!!

At 4:04pm on March 28, 2016, Jean Claude SARPI said…

Hello of Marseille, After the SIRENS in June 2014 LELAB Gallery will present a new exhibition of MAIL ART; The theme will be: "through my window". The details of the call for papers in a few weeks. At this time in the Gallery an exhibition of 13 women artists, entitled "the In-demonstrable". They outline what they would never dare show. If you want to receive the booklet of the exhibition with the texts that accompany the works send an email to the Good mail art and soon.

Salut de Marseille, Après les SIRENES en juin 2014 la galerie LELAB présentera une nouvelle exposition de MAIL ART; Le thème en sera: ''par ma fenêtre''. Les détails de l'appel à contribution dans quelques semaines. en ce moment à la galerie une exposition de 13 artistes femmes, intitulée "Les In-montrables". Elles exposent ce qu'elles n'oseraient jamais montrer. Si vous voulez recevoir le livret de l'exposition avec les textes qui accompagnent les œuvres envoyez un mail au Bon mail art et à bientôt.

Hola desde Marseille. Después de las sirenas en junio de 2014 LELAB Galería presentará una nueva exposición de arte correo; El tema será: "a través de mi ventana". Los detalles de la convocatoria en las próximas semanas. en este momento en la galería una exposición de 13 artistas de las mujeres, había titulado "el en-demostrable". Describen lo que lo no harían nunca se atreven a mostrar. Si desea recibir el folleto de la exposición con los textos que acompañan los trabajos enviar un correo electrónico a la Arte correo bien y pronto.


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