Elaine Asplind Russell's Comments

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At 11:17pm on August 21, 2013, Dimitra Papatheodorou said…

Dear Elaine, thank you very much for your participation. I am looking forward for it…I wish you all the best. Peace and hope.Dimitra.

At 8:10am on August 17, 2013, Dimitra Papatheodorou said…

Dear Elaine I am very happy to have a new mail art friend. I am looking forward to your mail art piece and if the envelope has an address I will send something to you, back. Happy summer. Dimitra.

At 5:10pm on August 16, 2013, Dimitra Papatheodorou said…

Dear Elaine thank you for your participation to my project.
Τhere are no sise limits, so you can do as you wish...

At 5:36am on August 24, 2011, Terry Reid said…

> Hi Terry,
> I sent a mobile to the Secret Exchange in Australia.Do you know if it was received?(hope so)
> I'll be awaiting your reply. Thanks!
> Elaine Asplind Russell

yes, mobile had enough mobility to arrive.

At 8:28am on August 23, 2011, Terry Reid said…

> Did my latest secret appear @ MCA in Sydney? I sent it out the first of the month from the USA.
> Just curious.I had a return address on it also..
> Elaine

Elaine, the postperson continues to get your SECREts to the eXCHANGE  - best from terryreid_terryreid

At 6:28am on June 14, 2011, Terry Reid said…

if I remember correctly, you came up in someone's suggestions

At 11:59am on June 5, 2011, Terry Reid said…
I await in expectation
At 8:07am on June 1, 2011, Terry Reid said…

Elaine, if you are short of time, send copies of the most interesting mail that you are working on and send to Sydney and to Seoul so the work does not remain so much a secret to us...

At 8:04am on June 1, 2011, Terry Reid said…
At 8:38am on May 30, 2011, Terry Reid said…

to answer your questions on requirements:
size can be anything you want to fit in your envelopes,
media is your choice,
you can send originals or copies of originals or copies of copies (the choice is entirely yours),

the two exhibitions addresses to send to are: -

Tell Me Tell Me SECRETS
       at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, Australia
140 George Street
Circular Quay West
Sydney, Australia 2000
exhibition from  16 Jun 2011 - 24 Aug 2011
your work accepted  from now and throughout the exhibition 
DEADLINE: 24 AUGUST 2011****
Tell Me Tell Me SECRETS
and at the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul, Korea
San 58-4, Makgye-dong
Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do
Seoul, Korea 427-701
exhibition from 8 Nov 2011 – 19 Feb 2012
your work accepted from now and throughout the exhibition

Please send Secrets in any medium to both galleries.

At 8:19am on May 30, 2011, Terry Reid said…
if you feel like opting in later, it will be going for quite a while
At 7:18am on May 16, 2011, Terry Reid said…
hi Elaine
here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; for details, go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/   


Terry Reid

and hope to hear from you

At 9:24pm on April 21, 2011, Sharon Silverman said…
I'm going to Connecticut on April 28th to talk to different people down there. I will let you know where and when I book a new location for the Exhibition.
At 3:51am on April 21, 2011, Elaine Asplind Russell said…

somehow keyed in the wrong website address! Sorry to those that tried to view it.

Please attempt again and let me know if you can find it ok.




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