I was looking at the stack of mail in my "to be responded to" box and became paralyzed for a moment - how had I gotten so behind in this? Oh, yes, of course. I've got to just tackle that box. I feel so badly that people haven't heard from me in awhile, so what is this about? Okay, I think I know. When I had my accident, a bad fall, a traumatic flying leap over a hurdle, causing my hip to get crushed (but not my phone in my pocket in it's LIFEPROOF case, thank you very much) I was taken out of action for quite some time. Mail that I'd planned on responding too never got responded to and more kept coming in.

So my plan for the rest of 2015, is to take photos of the work, post it and send people Mail Art back. Whew. I feel a weight off my shoulders now that I've decided how to tackle it.

So I'm starting with yesterday's mail. Lovely banana mail from Angie and Katerina, dear to my heart, and I didn't even sign up but now I'm going to make banana mail for them, late for world banana day but every day is banana day somewhere.

And from the oh so popular and prolific CZLovecraft. Things to play with and things to look at.

Thanks to all and to all who participated in my Bicycle Mail Art exhibit (a huge success) and who've sent me mail the past half year.

I'm almost all better. I'm walking quite well, some mornings a bit stiffly, but who cares, I'm planning on taking tap dance lessons starting next summer after my one year anniversary, I'm going to add to one of my tattoos to commemorate my healing, and I'm going to take my first plane trip since my accident in February.

And I'm going to catch up on my Mail Art. I love you all, my mail art compatriots. my kinfolk, my besties!

Views: 95

Tags: Angie, CZLovecraft, Katerina, bananas, collage, ink_drawing


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Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on November 19, 2015 at 11:15am

Happy Banana Day to you, Mim...yesterday, today, and every day :-)

You are part of the Banana Band, so you should get some "mellow yellow" 

in your mail box. Thanks for blogging, and glad it arrived on THE day!

Now don't fret about posting and replying to mail art...all in due time,

just heal well and come fly to Greece :-)

Comment by on November 19, 2015 at 1:52am

Mim the mighty mail artist is back!! I've missed seeing you around here and despite your setback, you organised and thoroughly documented the bicycle call, that in itself was a big thing to do plus your other commitments and making recovery. Well done!! Good to hear about your plans, tap dancing is great fun, I can see you now practicing under your desk while mail arting!

I was just talking today about about declaring intentions publicly and how that helps me see things through rather than quietly wishing I'd like to do something. It's exciting to come up with a plan, all the best Mim. x

Comment by Carmela Rizzuto on November 19, 2015 at 1:16am

So good to hear from you, Mim.  I'm glad that you are rehabilitating well and are improving, if slowly. Thanks for posting re: the Bicycle Mail Art exhibit. It's a wonder that you were able to get it the show up. Your efforts are well appreciated. Take care...


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