Cheryl penn's Blog – September 2011 Archive (7)

Memories are Made of this Too

As a few of my friends have been reminding me, this month is one year of IUOMA contact for me. Serendipity came to the celebrations.  You’ll see why.  The first piece of mail I ever received was from Jen Staggs.  I received her Plagiarist pages two weeks ago – Jen has been weighed under her own studies, but took the time to send the pages back.


Bifidus sent me the second piece of mail art I had ever received from an IUOMA member  -  again without me asking.  It was…


Added by cheryl penn on September 29, 2011 at 2:44pm — 49 Comments

ZALOP, ZALOPY, ZALOPAS – The Creation of Fluxus Nuances - from Ruud Janssen.

ZALOP – it’s a performance right? Whoever says NO in a deadpan voice, devoid of tone or apposite energy - quiet and sadly whispered or in a loud exclamation?  However it is said,  NO  is a complex word for sure.  ZALOP - the Fluxus word as original score was sent by Ruud on 15th December 2010.  I determined ZALOP to mean  "ABSOLUTELY NO WAY DEFINITELY NOT NADA NIX.  It is essential this word is said in an emphatic tone. Accents do not matter…


Added by cheryl penn on September 26, 2011 at 5:13pm — 7 Comments

Memories are Made of This from Marie Wintzer

When I first ‘met’ Marie (having never ‘met’ in body does not mean one cannot make excellent friends!) and I asked her what she did – in real life – yes, if I was a cat I’d be dead – bearing in mind what curiosity does to those creatures, she said she worked with brain cells. FAB!!! I said, make me something!!! Not initially keen on the idea, its taken a year – BUT the brain cell inspired book FINALLY arrived. Some things are just WORTH the wait. This was no exception. …


Added by cheryl penn on September 24, 2011 at 9:26am — 17 Comments

Bulk Blog for Last Weeks American FAB's

Hula Hoops from David Stafford - I KNOW I've posted this already - but just in CASE you didn't see and then have not taken up the essential sport of hoolering.  The woman who looks in the mirror. I'm HOPING she doesn't suffer from Extreme Dorian Gray Syndrome,  - I asked David to let me in on the secret... Because  we've also been seeing from this masterful story teller  Japanese cocpopthings and cat fondues, …


Added by cheryl penn on September 20, 2011 at 1:30pm — 8 Comments

PLUX - from The Striking Haptic Werewolf

Dharmadada Erni Bär AKA Choctea sent a FAB  PLUX in his well-known Off Scene Akademie Urban Exploration Pedestrian Street Act envelope.  A Mouthful I KNOW so its now Off Scene Akademie Urban Exploration Pedestrian Street Act PLUX AKA OfSUEpSA PLUX. Its even got Hooray Members!…


Added by cheryl penn on September 15, 2011 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments

Bulk Blog for Beauties Two

Narratives. They carry their own beauty and sing  their own meaning. And each artist has their own rhythm.

Lesley Magwood Fraser tells the tale of Cailleach, the stranger that hides within.   She’s that girl that was, now she is the wise crone wearing a suit of wrinkled skin.  

Her joy? To ride in winter on the backs of creatures - the blue faced daughter…


Added by cheryl penn on September 12, 2011 at 10:32am — 15 Comments

Bulk Blog for Beauties

Heart Rob(ber) from Thom Courcelle (Washington U.S.A)

A FAB weave piece from Thom, WITH a wonderful letter – which opens with – This is for you simply because of the wonder-full-ness- icity of you! OK – who is NOT going to fall for a letter like that? Thom mentions my confusion at the goings on in Forks – you know the vampires and all, so he also enclosed a pamphlet on Forks – where “you can find it… see it… do it all in FORKS – really???? That must be where all the heart robbers…


Added by cheryl penn on September 1, 2011 at 11:09am — 7 Comments

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