Rod Summers in Venice


Rod Summers in Venice

Most of you know that, beginning next month, Rod Summers has a five week residency in Venice at the Emily Harvey Foundation. He will arrive on the 16th of February and leave on the 23 of March 2009.

Members: 26
Latest Activity: Apr 6, 2023

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VENICE 16 Replies

Started by anna boschi. Last reply by anna boschi Mar 22, 2009.

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Comment by Rod Summers / VEC on March 16, 2009 at 10:25pm

Comment by Rod Summers / VEC on March 15, 2009 at 7:11pm
Last night I had a vivid dream, a VEC version of an Orwellian 1984 yet full of a different intrigue, I wrote down the details as soon as I woke up and think it may well be the basis of my next audio drama.
I wonder how many writers have put pen to paper to describe Venice. How many books in how many languages have been published about this city? There are many books describing this place in the book case next to the desk in this apartment, Liesbet is reading one now. I’m pretty sure there is nothing I can add to the many eminent scribes’ outpourings.
I wonder how many billions of photographs of Venice are taken each year. Each day as we walk about with camera and tripod we see hundreds upon hundreds of tourists, from every corner of the globe, each with a digital photo apparatus in every format, brand name and size imaginable, perhaps Venice is one of the most photographed cities in the world. So what can I add to all of that? Well I have several advantages over the average tourist; firstly I use a tripod which gives me stability whilst most digital camera users now snap with the camera at arm’s length, a practice guaranteed to introduce an element of camera shake into the picture. Next as I am resident here I can return to any location at any time in order to maximize the quality of the light. And, finally, I have the benefit of nearly 50 years experience of taking landscape photographs. Since my arrival here I have taken about 1000 photos and from all of those there are just three which please me greatly, but those three are, in my opinion so strong they make the whole trip more than worthwhile.
Today again blessed us with fine weather so we walked out in search of a spot I had seen when walking around with Vittore Baroni but was subsequently unable to locate. Well today we found it and made several photos of the area. We then walked through to the station, across to the bus station and back via a route I had not walked before. Here is todays selection from the 91 photos taken.
Comment by Rod Summers / VEC on March 15, 2009 at 7:11pm

Comment by Rod Summers / VEC on March 15, 2009 at 7:11pm

Comment by Rod Summers / VEC on March 15, 2009 at 7:10pm

Comment by Rod Summers / VEC on March 15, 2009 at 7:09pm

Comment by Rod Summers / VEC on March 15, 2009 at 7:09pm

Comment by Rod Summers / VEC on March 15, 2009 at 7:07pm

Comment by Rod Summers / VEC on March 15, 2009 at 7:06pm

Comment by Rod Summers / VEC on March 14, 2009 at 9:01pm
Saturday is a the day when the streets of Venice become congested with day trippers so I took the day off and stayed at home to make some postcards, answer a few emails and send Vittore Baroni a copy of the script of Helgisaga.
Here are a few night shots made this evening whilst we were out on our pre-dinner ramble.

Members (27)



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